because of the quarantine, my two or three neurons tend to burn out and I'm really starting to miss sex. so in order to stay focused and serious I undertook important research. I read on a very very serious site, that the covid 19 was the work of a guy who lives in the sky, who has fun throwing all these filth on us. for some reason, it seems that no one can see him. he must surely have very sophisticated camouflage technique. which probably explains why no one does anything. so I did serious research on everything that we could find in the sky to hide. and after intense research, I realized… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Ollivier60 4 年 前

Our dear president

Our dear president, Vladnald Xijhonscron, have an insurmountable problem which he must face. and immediately summons a new consultant and politely ask him, what is this damn shit of noise, around my rainbow house. the consultant, to answer: But majesty, divine lord of the word,it is the people, he is dissatisfied and manifest Vladnald was shocked, and said subtly, But what the fuck, why these damn stupid people are dissatisfied I am the best president in the world, they are fucking assholes the devoted consultant says: but divine lord, emperor of the universe, master of knowledge,they are dyi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Ollivier60 4 年 前


A few days ago, I sent an email to God, to know his plans, concerning us. But I had no response.I sleep badly and I have had weird dreams for 2 days, probably because of that and This morning, looking at my emails, Good surprise, he replied: dear Olivier, To answer your question and as you can imagine, my plans for humanity have not changed and will never change. You've changed, you've put the devil in power for a long time, and his system is failing, so he's just trying to keep it running. as usual he lies to you behind his angelic appearance and behind his benevolence earnestly wishes your… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Ollivier60 4 年 前 1


because of the virus, I think about my future and I tell myself that I could seriously become president of the republic, or in all modesty of the world and why not of the universe. I have a serious and realistic program, the main points of which I can explain to you. firstly, unlike the others, no bullshit and a response for all problems. First of all, we have to solve the problem of world hunger: no more Intensive livestock and agriculture that poisons the soil of our dear planet. we will all have to practice respirianism, which consist is to feed on the air we breathe. I will keep some ribs… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Ollivier60 4 年 前


Sunny day, but really cold 1° celsius here, nothing really interesting to do because of the quarantine. So i've decided to share some philosophie and my extreme intelligence with you. first, i think if there were no water in the oceans I think fewer people will be eaten by sharks and fewer people will drown. I also think that if hemoroids didn't exist there would be a lot more gay people. If we all had a helicopter or a plane, we wouldn't have to fix the roads as often and the cars wouldn't pollute our precious atmosphere. in another area, I think we will save more people by discovering a vacc… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Ollivier60 4 年 前 2

My Opinion

I sympathize with all those who, like me, find themselves confined. I will worry about all those I love, I pray that this ordeal will spare us all. But unfortunately, this period will leave indelible traces. selfishly, I feel alone, in an empty house, with empty arms, strange period during which my soul and my heart will cry all the tears they contain. I remember learning when I was younger that God did not send us trials that we could not bear. but I seriously question myself about this new ordeal that all of humanity will have to endure. our so-called democracies, based on profitability, pr… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Ollivier60 4 年 前 3