Due to various evolutionary developments, (and how most women go for the biggest dicks) Africa ended up being the most blessed by nature. Whether you're small or average down below, there's nothing you can do about this, it's like trying to fight the incoming tide. Bigger penises are better developed, more attractive, and yes, even smell more than small ones do, which is why so many of us end up cumming to BBC. I once read an article online, about how midwives noticed that blacks were *usually* bigger down below than whites, but not always... Here's a Youtube video better explaining why black… 阅读更多内容
We're Blessed To Be Cumming Animals
How blessed are we to be a part of the masturbating animal kingdom? Whether we're blessed down below by or not, it's wonderful to orgasm like our monkey fore fathers. 99.9% fail no fap for a reason, it's in our DNA to masturbate, and you can't fight nature. And if you're small or even average down below, well, at least you can orgasm to those with better developed, bigger penises, nature blesses some but not others. Accept it.… 阅读更多内容
Science Beats Myths And Allegory...
I have added a new London national history museum and evolution playlist on my YouTube channel, showing with science that there was no first man and woman, and that the earth is not a few thousand years old. I used to believe it, but not anymore, our desire to masturbate goes back probably 40 millions years, according to what I read online anyway... And yes, it's because of natural selection that black people have the biggest penises worldwide, which is why so many are aroused by them, bigger means genetically superior. (I did so enjoy my trip to that museum, made me want to masturbate like m… 阅读更多内容
Even If Porn Is Bad, It's Here To Stay...
As corrupt as this industry is, and morally bankrupt, spiritually harmful and distracting, most people watch porn. Be realistic, even if you quit you would probably relapse, the world has been took over by porn, with various secular videos on youtube promoting it (like the young turks), and it's only increasing in popularity. However, the majority aren't always correct, in truth, porn is a big distraction, and types like me relapse like 99.9% do. Nature knows best… https://youtube.com/shorts/yrJZsAkjdCw?si=COtXSPkMcDESkKZm After years of denial, I now believe we evolved to masturbate like mo… 阅读更多内容
Porn Gives Me 'Liquid' Courage And Peace
(In reality, porn is about lust and doesn't fulfill anyone long term, but it's a turn on giving into it. It's also a big distraction in life.) Yes, porn doesn't fulfill me, which is why I keep returning... (What a blessing.) But it satisfies my penis, everytime I orgasm and let my physical desires win I smile, I am too weak willed to try no fap, which is delightful. It's easier to accept millions of years, we're apes who evolved to masturbate, taking religion too literally is a turn off... I am a non religious believer, who likes science, and yes... Both monkeys and people need to masturbate… 阅读更多内容
Orgasm Makes Us Happier & Stronger
As you can see down below with these shemales, who couldn't do no fap if they tried, and are blessed with weak wills, it's those who masturbate who are at peace. Moralists and false philosophy will never match the satisfaction of orgasm, sensible people use orgasm to make themselves stronger, happier people. Masturbation and orgasm is a gift from our ape relatives, and a gift from nature, yes! We are blessed! https://xhamster.com/posts/10566784?utm_source=shared&%3B%3B%3B%3Butm_medium=referral&%3B%3B%3B%3Butm_campaign=link Nofap? You never stood a chance... Even IF masturbating was sinful… 阅读更多内容
I Pity Those Who Don't Masturbate.
And yes, believe it or not there are such people, whether it's because of religious reasons or some bogus philosophy, there are a surprising number who don't. If someone is born asexual then fair enough, but for everyone else being anti masturbation goes against nature, it goes against millions of years of evolutionary development too. It's a part of who we are, as members of the ape family to masturbate and orgasm, anything else goes against science, sorry! Animals in the zoo know what to do! https://xhamster.com/posts/10564516?utm_source=shared&%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3Butm_medium=referral… 阅读更多内容
My Cous Has Become A Masturbator
It's only recently that he has given up his being anti masturbation, and no longer takes religion too literally, accepted science and now masturbates regularly. He used to try and convince me that the earth is a few thousand years old, that masturbation is a sin (even if it was, what a delight) it's only recently he's accepted we're masturbating apes. He often tried to get me to stop masturbating, here's a conversation we had to the best of my recollection, starting with him. "You do realize that evolution and religion don't mix, right? How can you reject a young earth?" "I used to be like y… 阅读更多内容
Life, And Orgasm...
(I believe in a higher power, but hey, no one knows what really lies beyond) I believe that science trumps religion, and has helped us move away from myths, stories and superstitions. Stories that claim a man and woman were created out of thin air a few thousand years ago, are allegory at best, thank goodness most don't believe in gods like Thor anymore. Most religions are nonsense, and are often used to control people, and yes, everyone should masturbate... https://xhamster.com/posts/10563884?utm_source=shared&%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3Butm_medium=referral&%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3Butm_campaign=link Scie… 阅读更多内容
So, This Is What My Ex Pen Friend Does...
Approximately 5 years back, I still had a pen friend named Jessica (won't say her full name) who was around 11 years younger than me... We wrote to each other for a while, then, to my disappointment she took longer and longer to write back, she even apologized several times saying she was 'busy.' You see, I have been a life long loner, so whatever reason she had for washing her hands off me, it was never going to be good enough. Possibilities include her becoming bored of me, not liking me for whatever reason, or perhaps I even put my foot in it at some point? Whatever the reason, I think of h… 阅读更多内容
Prostate Orgasms
The only realistic way you’re increasing your pleasure as a man, is by stimulating your prostate. And, if you’re sufficiently aroused and have an anal toy that’s right for you, you can achieve multiple hands free orgasms. A lot of straight men like me don’t like the idea of anal play, but, let’s put it this way… You can either carry on being envious of women’s multiple orgasms, or actually do something about it? You need lots of lube, and enough time to do it, also for beginners you need to get your anus used to something being in there, so get in the habit of it… I have a 6 inch black dildo… 阅读更多内容
The Joy Is With Women, Not Men...
Women are sexually happier than men, because of their multiple orgasms (which most of them have.) Some don't like to admit they have it better than men, but when they stop denying it and tell the truth, it's quite arousing. This lady thought it was 'odd', me talking about how women have more pleasure than men, but that's because she's the one having all the pleasure. Not me. Indeed, why should she care, that the sexual experience between men and women is unbalanced? After all, women have no clue what it's like to cum and have a refractory period, they're blessed. Below is a conversation I had… 阅读更多内容
Coffee & London History Museum
The construction of the place started in 1873, but, I'm not here to talk about that, because me and my cousin who (was) anti masturbation and a religious conservative went recently... He was creationist, until recently because when he saw the skulls that proved evolution up close, he changed his mind, he now no longer takes religion too literally. It's because of natural selection that some shemales have huge smelly dicks, (they're blessed) and that blacks have the biggest penises overall too. This is something someone told me on here recently... "It's science first for me, it might get prov… 阅读更多内容
Just Sniff Ass, Cum And Get Tired…
Really, nature only wanted women to have multiple orgasms, only women are 'naturally' multi orgasmic while men have to resort to all sorts (like prostate massage) just to increase their pleasure a bit... More women should laugh, joke and smile about men trying to experience as much pleasure as them, while encouraging them to give up, and surrender to their refactory periods. https://xhamster.com/posts/10563563?utm_source=shared&%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3Butm_medium=referral&%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3Butm_campaign=link "Helen, I used to try and have multiple orgasms years ago, do you think I shou… 阅读更多内容
Shemales Don't Do No Fap...
They're among the least likely to attempt it, or be anti masturbation, and are weak willed masturbators... This has blessed them with the delight and relief of orgasm, if I ever tried to gain self control, I would soon realize I was missing out by remembering all the shemales who live for orgasm. It helps that most of them accept we are apes who evolved to masturbate, one's worldview does make a difference lol. Accepting millions of years leads to orgasm... https://xhamster.com/posts/10564516?utm_source=shared&%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3Butm_medium=referral… 阅读更多内容
This Site, A Blessing And A Delight
As of 2025 this site is the third most visited porn site in the world, yes, it's a corrupt industry no doubt, but even someone who was against porn like me has chosen peace. I have tried many times to quit porn, but relapse harder and harder, everything from BBC to huge genetically superior shemale dicks keep me cumming back. Yes, porn is a guilty pleasure I can't measure, my smelly trunk wants satisfaction by blasting the white stuff, and you can't argue with porns popularity and success. Just accept science and cum like a monkey, real freedom is in orgasm. https://xhamster.com/posts/105138… 阅读更多内容
Ha ha, A Lot Secretly Cum To BBC...
Even those who say they aren't, or don't like it, often do but they don't want people to judge them for it, or don't want the hassle of people knowing. Many women are riding dildos, often big black ones, and watching interracial because they know blacks have the best bodies, and usually have the biggest dicks etc.. They wouldn't necessarily go out with a black guy, but they like it in porn at least, so give up, it's easier to blast off to BBC than try to get a relationship. It's all about evolution, it's why 99.9% fail no fap.... https://xhamster.com/posts/10564516?utm_source=shared… 阅读更多内容
In Real Life, The Monsters Win....
It's true, the idea of mankind overcoming enemies, whether they're supernatural, made by scientist's hubris, or environmental viruses etc, is fallacious... These creatures that belong to apocalyptic situations, are far too powerful to do much about, in reality people would be masturbating in fear, having sex like cowards, and possibly being overpowered and used for sex by the enemy... It would be survival at all costs, by avoiding the enemy, hiding, or surrendering when caught. Fear and orgasm would take over, also, because people would be pushed for time and resources, people would naturall… 阅读更多内容
Religion Is Mostly Bull****
At least 98% of religion is nonsense, I go to the salvation army sometimes, but aside from that religion is a big turn off for me. Don't get me wrong, they can be interesting from a cultural and historical perspective, but I think we should move away from myths, stories and superstitions. Right now I am reading a book by Alice Roberts, called evolution the origins of us, I would rather read that than any religious book, like most Catholics (I am not cathoIic lol) I accept evolution. https://xhamster.com/posts/10557244?utm_source=shared&%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B%3Butm_medium=referral… 阅读更多内容
BBC Hentai....
Here are some of my favorite videos with huge black dicks in them, in real life Africans have the biggest penises in the world, (overall) which is why I like it. Mine is 6 inches big, so isn't small but most blacks have bigger dicks than that, so.... Nature blessed Africa so just cum already, because most women prefer bigger dicks. [video class="blog-video size-large align-center"]xhl22bIm[/vid… 阅读更多内容