Sorry Cous, I Relapsed like 99.9%

My cousin has joined the minority who have quit masturbating, but he knows I would rather blow my load, it's a guilty pleasure that I can't measure. It's true I would grow more spiritually if I quit, but emptying my sack is an earthly blessing! I doubt I will ever have the self control he has over his body, I would rather cum like other apes than hold it in, he's almost accepted evolution now, and said he would start cumming if he accepted science. He should sniff the coffee, because he's British and everyone and their dog masturbates here, and have some peace and quiet.<div class="blog-video-… 阅读更多内容

发表者 simpsonss345 7 月 前 4

If A Lady Doesn't Love You, Let Her Go Black

Any woman on earth who is into open relationships, or cheats on their partner etc, doesn't really love you. In fact, I would say avoid these women like the plague, because they're just doing what suits them, lust has taken over love in other words. Let's face it, this world has never been more corrupt, lustful or hypocritical than it is now, the only upside to seeing this side of women is that at least you know to find someone else. Or remain single, some men for example have been dumped because their penises weren't big enough, you can't blame these women, as you can't fight evolutionary desi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 simpsonss345 7 月 前 10

Orgasm Is A Gift Of Evolution

Millions of years of evolution, has gifted mankind with orgasm, nature's great gift bestowed by nature, enjoyed by us great apes and other smelly primates. Oh, I have heard the counter arguments against evolution, but 97% of scientists accept it, and the fossil evidence is overwhelming, more and more churches are not taking religion 'too literally' as a result. Like I said before, in the UK we prefer our scientific documentaries and places like the London history museum, even my church going ex bought me an 'evolution' t shirt to wear lol. (I feel sorry for those who have somehow quit masturb… 阅读更多内容

发表者 simpsonss345 7 月 前 8

Porn Will Leave You Empty, Women Are Blessed.

If you’re a man who’s been a loner all his life, even if you like your own company like myself, porn will thrill you for a season, a few weeks, months, years in my case, but it will leave you running on empty in the end. I like to call it the porn trap, it feels good while you’re in it, but in reality I am lonely and struggle with depression, have done since my early 20’s. Occasionally, I message women on here but truthfully over 90% aren’t interested in any conversation, like men, they have their own agendas and reasons for being on here. Heck, some ladies don’t even message back lol, too b… 阅读更多内容

发表者 simpsonss345 7 月 前 4

Enjoy your refractory period, it's nature!

Okay, I used to try to rid myself of my refractory period, and try everything I could to shorten it, but now I am older I am at peace with my body... Look, some people (misguided) still try to fight nature, but there's absolutely nothing you can do, so accept it! They don't call prolactin the sleep chemical for nothing, so give up and have a yawn, or sleep lol. Men evolved to empty their sacks and release prolactin every time, so I smell bull**** if anyone says different, so just wave the white flag. Nature only really wanted women to have multiple orgasms (mostly), so enjoy your pussy envy,… 阅读更多内容

发表者 simpsonss345 8 月 前 2

Women prefer their own orgasms to friendship...

Rather than getting in contact with me or being my friend, they masturbate, after all, it's not their fault that I am a loner who's had practically no friends all my life... My life is my responsibility, no one else's, but nonetheless I am sure that the very few women who were in contact with me, including my pen friend and my ex, would much rather enjoy orgasms than be friends with me. And who can blame them? (This will be my last post for a long time, so go through my others and fave any that you like...) How I am feeling doesn't matter to them, they have their own lives to live, and if I… 阅读更多内容

发表者 simpsonss345 8 月 前

Extinction and BBC? Hmm...

I am a guy who's only had the one relationship at 34, that only lasted 6 months, and I know it would take extraordinary effort on my part over a long period of time to find someone... This is because I am a loner who hardly knows anybody, so despite my past efforts to help people off porn, I am becoming more interested in letting blacks with huge dicks win. They do have the biggest penises usually, thanks to natural selection, so yes on here I am behind the 'white' extinction movement, but more as an aroused onlooker than a proper whitboi. It's just so much easier to cum to blacks getting all… 阅读更多内容

发表者 simpsonss345 8 月 前 39

Just a link to my channel for anyone interested

I am leaving a link for anyone who might be interested in my channel? On it I get real about life, talk about my Christian faith, and have even reached out to the lonely. It's not a perfect YouTube channel and I am not a perfect man, but I have tried to do some good at least. I like to be honest on there, I am taking a break from it but there's a lot of vids to watch so...阅读更多内容

发表者 simpsonss345 8 月 前 2

No Fap? Smell The Coffee, Make A Mess...

Masturbators will always be happier than those who do no fap, and actually manage to quit masturbating (yes they do exist), the majority are on the winning side. Even the animal kingdom including chimps, monkeys and apes all masturbate, even dogs do, so why kick up a stink about it? Science and evolution encourage orgasm, your penis smells and your balls want to be emptied, shemales aren't perfect, none of us are, but they know what nonsense no fap is. And they're too timid to quit anyway.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 simpsonss345 8 月 前 8

The UK Is A Porn Nation...

We are only behind America when it comes to how many watch porn, so as you can imagine no fap and being anti masturbation is chuckled at here... Even fellow church goers I have managed to speak to about this, all admitted they all enjoy masturbation, and they mostly accepted evolution too. (Some admitted like myself, that it's a guilty pleasure.) In fact, it's getting harder to find people who don't accept we are smelly masturbating apes in the uk, as we prefer science, Charles Darwin, and our documentaries over here. My cousin on the other hand, believes the earth is 6000 years old and deni… 阅读更多内容

发表者 simpsonss345 8 月 前 5

Masturbation Is Scientific...

I have listened to many videos, of people who are for and against masturbation, but I am among the pro orgasm and pro masturbation church goers, why? Well, for one thing even the pope accepts evolution (along with 97% of scientists) and nowhere in the Bible does it really mention masturbation... In this secular world of ours, fossil evidence and how we are apes who evolved to masturbate, takes precedence when it comes to our sexual behavior. People want sexual release, religious conservatives who are against masturbation are rebelling against science, the more sensible ones encourage masturbat… 阅读更多内容

发表者 simpsonss345 8 月 前

Huge Penises Are A Gift Of Evolution..

Millions of years of our ape relatives having sex, and natural selection have blessed a large minority with genetically superior, cheesy monster dicks. Obviously Africa was blessed the most in this regard, but so were many, many other people, if you are small or average then it's only natural to become aroused at a penis size you wish you had. It's a lot easier just to let blacks win, they usually have the biggest dicks, so... Just cum to superior dicks, and don't be annoyed at those with better penises than yours, it's futile. There's nothing you can do about your size, so keep squirting to… 阅读更多内容

发表者 simpsonss345 8 月 前 6

Women's Asses Are What's In Control...

As I have gotten older, I have found that in this life, it's women's asses that are worshipped and in control in relationships. I'm sorry, but what man doesn't look forward to sniffing his partners ass? Even men who attend church do, they may not admit it openly or around people, but behind closed doors it's a different story. I only had the one relationship at 34, it lasted 6 months, and rubbing my penis on her backside and smelling her behind (A bit) was the highlight of our relationship. If I ever get the opportunity to worship a woman's ass again I will, just today on a nature reserve clo… 阅读更多内容

发表者 simpsonss345 8 月 前

A Virgin? Be Blessed, And Cum To BBC.

I managed to help one person off porn here, and we are now friends on Facebook, he's an older virgin who's had many, many dates. He wants a family, and used to watch interracial vids regularly, among others, but recently deleted his account on here. He used to relapse every few weeks, but just because he's deleted his account, doesn't mean he's free of porn... I think he would be happier, giving up trying to lose his virginity, and peacefully accept defeat. Some people aren't cut out for sex or relationships, and most women prefer a sexually experienced man. And a bigger than average penis, a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 simpsonss345 9 月 前 2

Evolution Deniers Make Me Yawn.

Yes, 97% of scientists accept it, even the pope has waved the white flag, Pat Robinson (A Christian) too among many have given up and abandoned creationism. I used to reject it too, but the London history museum, and a few documentaries and books later, has set me free from no fap, as I accepted we are smelly masturbating apes. I mean, I find the whole thing interesting, but, in this secular and scientific world most people prefer fossil evidence, and the news has always supported Charles Darwin. I have a few posts that mention evolution etc, here's one, I have more on my faves list... <a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 simpsonss345 9 月 前 6

Small/Ave Down Below? Let BBC Win, Give Up

This post is for those with small penises, (ave ones if you like too) to help you realise that over 70% of women worldwide prefer a big penis... It's only natural for a woman to be more turned on, and satisfied with a big dick, and Africa has more of them than anywhere else, thanks to evolution. Why compete when you can cum in defeat? You can struggle against porn and relapse, like 99.9% who try no fap, or give up and ORGASM. Especially if you was with someone, who was interested in you, but decided to leave you for a bigger dick, because she wasn't right for you anyway... It always makes me l… 阅读更多内容

发表者 simpsonss345 9 月 前 6

Me, Quit Porn? No, I'm Too Timid...

This isn't about whether or not porn is good or bad, I'm just too weak willed to quit... When I saw that 99.9% fail no fap, and that an overwhelming majority relapse to porn, I decided to give up. My acceptance of science has contributed to this, and how secular the UK is. Science comes first for me, I accept we are smelly masturbating apes. Most of the UK watches porn, as does most of this world, that helped me to realise I can't win against porn, it's better to let sleeping dogs lie... It's so funny when people say they're quitting porn, because they all relapse in the end. Real peace is in… 阅读更多内容

发表者 simpsonss345 9 月 前 9

A Woman's Ass Should Stink (A Bit....)

*This especially replies in hot weather, or otherwise warm environments.* I know it sounds rather base and obscene to some, but it's true, most men's orgasms are stronger, and they cum harder if a lady's ass has some scent to it. So, rather than having that shower before sex, don't bother, you should reek a bit, your arm pits, feet, vagina and ass shouldn't be entirely clean, it's a turn off. This goes back to our ape cousin's sex lives and Neanderthals too, millions of years of evolution has made this so, as we are apes. When I had my first relationship at 34, and had anal sex with her for t… 阅读更多内容

发表者 simpsonss345 9 月 前 4

Maybe My Number One Fetish? Pussy Envy.

(Helen is the name of my ex girlfriend.) Me: listen, I was looking into ways of having multiple orgasms.... Helen: Ha ha ha! Not this crap again, just cum and yawn your head off, you can't fight nature... Me: But, I was reading about how some men achieve multiple org... Helen: Lol, yeah right as if, keep pumping and sniff my ass until you explode. Me: Yes, you're right, I should just give up (cums and starts yawning.) Helen: There you go... What did I say? Just give into nature. Me: Yes you're right, nature only wanted women to have multiple orgasms really... Helen: Exactly! Men evolved… 阅读更多内容

发表者 simpsonss345 9 月 前

Shemales Cumming Like Primates...

It's in our DNA to orgasm, those who are anti masturbation need to wake up and smell the coffee beans... You can either choose orgasm, or struggle in a small minority, most people make the right choice. Choose science, and satisfy your stinking ape penis, unless you reject evolution? I find that shemales are among the least likely to attempt no fap, as they are too timid to, much like myself, we prefer joy and PEACE. Accepting we're apes leads to better orgasms... And, struggling against porn? (Chuckle, as if you could ever quit) Lol, just enjoy your rela… 阅读更多内容

发表者 simpsonss345 9 月 前 5
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