Umknown and The No Hands Quest

This has been an difficult test of discipline and restraint. My goal is the illusive hands free anal orgasm. I have been holding off on masturbating using my penis all together. I never been able to resist playing with my dick before and so far it is going alright. I have only touched it a few times during play, it is so hard not to jerk off (pun intended), but so far I have been able to stop myself before I even start stroking. It is so damn hard to resist the instinct to stroke. I haven't cum in over a week in a half; and I used to go once or twice a day before (I miss it) Not, that I didn't… 阅读更多内容

发表者 umknown 7 年 前 46


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发表者 SidneyGray 6 年 前