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最后出现于 2 年 前
Porn King
4682 天 在 XRMXX 上
1.2M 个人资料浏览次数
5.2K 个订阅者
9.6K 条评论
人, 同性恋者
170 厘米 (5 英尺 7 英尺)


“Forgetting about our mistakes and our wounds isn't enough to make them disappear.”

First and foremost I am a lesbian. Not bi, not undecided, not pansexual, not gay on the side, I'm a lesbian. Period. I only like women so what does that mean? One thing is mean is unlike 99.9% of this site I'm not interested in cock. So keep all of your phallic-centric content to yourself.

And not that I need to explain myself, but for you idiots who think I "hate all men" just because I'm honest and don't want to be bothered, you're idiots. I listen to Death Metal and watch the NBA/NFL, etc for christ's sake.
Yet I am extremely prejudiced and biased on this site because the lot of them are either trolls, pushy, creepy old perverts, ignorant, have to share their cock obsession, or whatever to the point I want to avoid them. Period.

“It is a naive sort of feminism that insists that women prove their ability to do all the things that men do. This is a distortion and a travesty."

"Men have never sought to prove that they can do all the things women do. Why subject women to purely masculine criteria? Women can and ought to be judged by the criteria of femininity, for it is in their femininity that they participate in the human race."

" And femininity has its limitations. So has masculinity. That is what we’ve been talking about. To do this is not to do that. To be this is not to be that. To be a woman is not to be a man."

"To be married is not to be single - which may mean not to have a career. To marry this man is not to marry all the others. A choice is a limitation.”

I'm not interested in talking with some dude about sex or porn or how wrong he thinks I am or how lesbians are fake or whatever else. Don't waste your time.
By the same token(And this is the SECOND time I'm saying it) I don't want to see or read about cock. I see enough of it by proxy just logging on, I don't see want be shown any more. No heterosex or nothing of the kind.

I'm not here for sex. I'm not here to talk about if lesbians actually "scissor" or not or how realistic you think porn is. And I don't want to hear about how awesome cock is or what I'm missing or whatever.
I don't care who you are, or what your profile notes. I don't want to cyber, cam or whatever else. I don't even want to read about it. I'm not here for that so you can just move along.

“[Looking like a straight girl] means wearing clothes that seek and destroy comfort. These are garments designed by gay men to attract heterosexual men. The straight girl is simply the hanger for an inside joke.”

If I don't want to talk to you, I won't accept you. I'm not a friend collector. If you have no avatar, no content, or a empty profile, don't even ask. If you're a man, jump of a bridge. IDC if you want to see vids or not. If you don't expect communication, don't send an invite. I like many things(comics, movies, anime, video games), and I don't like even more and I don't mind talking about any of them as long as you're a woman who can hold a conversation and respect my views.

If you're looking for someone to leech vids from or cyber with, just keep moving. I DON'T ACCEPT LEECHERS, and I DON'T CYBER.

Something VERY IMPORTANT to note...Imperative even:
If you are a man:

I don't want to talk to you, I don't want you to send me anything. NO I will not be your "friend" so you can leech vids and NO I don't want to be bothered and hear why men are so awesome and what you think of my opinion. Not a comment or a link...nothing. I don't care if you "love" lesbians or have 33,268 uploads. I don't care if you think we have something in common, if you're best friend is a lesbian or whatever. No one likes a brown-noser.
I don't care if you think I'm stupid and ignorant and you want to convince me how wrong I am, or if you feel the need to inform me of your opinion. Don't send me ANYTHING. Go be a worthless douche somewhere else. In addition, I don't want to hear about


I see any of those words and you're blocked. Unlike 99.9% of this site I respect and embrace femininity, and I don't engage in lesbian exploitation, so just like the phallic material, save your misogyny for another profile. If you don't/aren't:

-Have a reason to talk
-Something important enough to say
-Are smart enough to carry a conversation
-Not a gross douchebag or a retard

Go away. As the profile says, I'm not here looking for anyone, or seeking to waste my time.

For the third time a penis and what follows is pretty much the most disgusting thing I can think of. I DON'T want to see it. If you send me an invite and I'm forced to see some disgusting content on your profile, I'll reply in kind. I'm telling you now. No hetero porn gifs, pictures, links or whatever else. I don't want to see to see or hear about it.[/b]

NO - I won't unlock my videos
NO - I'm not nice, kind or fair
NO - I don't cyber
NO - I don't want to cam
NO - I don't want to meet or exchange pictures or personal details
NO - I'm not angry "all the time" only on this site.
NO - I don't care if you think I'm wrong.
NO - I don't care if it's a porn site.
NO - If you can't send a message I'm ignoring you
NO - I don't want to see you cock
NO - I don't care what you have to say.
NO - I don't care if you think I'm a fake or a troll
NO - I won't accept your invite


YES - I hate most men
YES - I hate assholes, douchebags, bastards, dudebros, etc
YES - I hate religion
YES - I hate people who deflate footballs
YES - I hate Pop/rap/country/bad music
YES - I hate confused bi women who women are just experiments
YES - I hate people who hate feminists
YES - I hate people who treat lesbians like they're weird
YES - I hate anyone who uses bitch, whore, slut, dyke, lesbo
YES - I hate trolls
YES - I love blondes

I barely even watch porn at this point. It's not why I log-on, so I don't want to converse about it. I don't want to exchange kinky fantasies or explicit sexual plans or whatever. Consult a therapist. Not interested in hearing(reading or sharing. What do I consider viable conversation topics? Nearly everything else.

"And let's put one lie to rest for all time: the lie that men are oppressed, too, by sexism--the lie that there can be such a thing as 'men's liberation groups.' Oppression is something that one group of people commits against another group, specifically because of a 'threatening' characteristic shared by the latter group--skin, color, sex or age, etc."

"The oppressors are indeed ****** UP by being masters, but those masters are not OPPRESSED. Any master has the alternative of divesting himself of sexism or racism--the oppressed have no alternative--for they have no power but to fight. In the long run,"

"Women's Liberation will of course free men--but in the short run it's going to cost men a lot of privilege, which no one gives up willingly or easily. Sexism is NOT the fault of women--kill your fathers, not your mothers"

“Ideally, what should be said to every child, repeatedly, throughout his or her school life is something like this: 'You are in the process of being indoctrinated. We have not yet evolved a system of education that is not a system of indoctrination. We are sorry, but it is the best we can do. What you are being taught here is an amalgam of current prejudice and the choices of this particular culture. The slightest look at history will show how impermanent these must be. You are being taught by people who have been able to accommodate themselves to a regime of thought laid down by their predecessors. It is a self-perpetuating system. Those of you who are more robust and individual than others will be encouraged to leave and find ways of educating yourself — educating your own judgements. Those that stay must remember, always, and all the time, that they are being moulded and patterned to fit into the narrow and particular needs of this particular society.”

And for the people who try and alter my opinion, stop. You're not going to change it, so.just.stop. You're free to like, do and express yourself how you choose, so ignore my stance and just move on.

Again, no one's going to change my opinion, and I'm not here to change yours, but I am interested in women with a different way of life, that varies from mine...I mean not interested, interested...but I am listener and xham is nothing if not a venue...albeit a cracked one at times. I have many other interests that are far more worth discussing. Such as:

-How perfect women are
-How annoying men are
-Something that doesn't involve genitals

I'm also biased and prejudiced to certain people/topics.(as previously said) Keep that in mind people for attempt to send an olive branch. This list includes(but is not limited to:

-Gay dudes
-Weird people into anal gapes or BDSM
-Sissy men asking for gross requests
-Creepy old men with lesbian fetishes
-Disgusting repressed trannys who thinks they're women
-Divorced straight women who want me to be an experiment
-People who can't read


In summary I'm a feminist(as much as you can be a feminist on a porn site) lesbian. I like what I do, and I hate what I choose. I don't owe anyone any answers and I don't care if you're offended. In fact, I hope you are. Good Day.


“What’s the worst possible thing you can call a woman? Don’t hold back, now.
You’re probably thinking of words like slut, whore, bitch, cunt (I told you not to hold back!), skank.
Okay, now, what are the worst things you can call a guy? Fag, girl, bitch, pussy. I’ve even heard the term “mangina.”
Notice anything? The worst thing you can call a girl is a girl. The worst thing you can call a guy is a girl. Being a woman is the ultimate insult. Now tell me that’s not royally fucked up.”

“When they (the men, the scavengers)
come for you, do not give yourself
to them so easily.

Wear your strength like armour,
fight like a beast.
Do not let them tell you that
you belong to them.

Be fearless.
Be a lion.
Be like lava.
Rip them apart,
and burn their bones.

And when you are done,
tell the world that
you belong to no man.
That you are a lady,
a warrior,
a tsunami,
and you belong only to yourself.

“I'm going to ask you to remember the prostituted, the homeless, the battered, the raped, the tortured, the murdered, the raped-then-murdered, the murdered-then-raped; and I am going to ask you to remember the photographed, the ones that any or all of the above happened to and it was photographed and now the photographs are for sale in our free countries. I want you to think about those who have been hurt for the fun, the entertainment, the so-called speech of others; those who have been hurt for profit, for the financial benefit of pimps and entrepreneurs. I want you to remember the perpetrator and I am going to ask you to remember the victims: not just tonight but tomorrow and the next day. I want you to find a way to include them -- the perpetrators and the victims -- in what you do, how you think, how you act, what you care about, what your life means to you".

"Now, I know, in this room, some of you are the women I have been talking about. I know that. People around you may not. I am going to ask you to use every single thing you can remember about what was done to you -- how it was done, where, by whom, when, and, if you know -- why -- to begin to tear male dominance to pieces, to pull it apart, to vandalize it, to destabilize it, to mess it up, to get in its way, to fuck it up. I have to ask you to resist, not to comply, to destroy the power men have over women, to refuse to accept it, to abhor it and to do whatever is necessary despite its cost to you to change it.”

“Our categories are important. We cannot organize a social life, a political movement, or our individual identities and desires without them. The fact that categories invariably leak and can never contain all the relevant "existing things" does not render them useless, only limited. Categories like “woman,” “butch,” “lesbian,” or “transsexual” are all imperfect, historical, temporary, and arbitrary. We use them, and they use us. We use them to construct meaningful lives, and they mold us into historically specific forms of personhood. Instead of fighting for immaculate classifications and impenetrable boundaries, let us strive to maintain a community that understands diversity as a gift, sees anomalies as precious, and treats all basic principles with a hefty dose of skepticism.”

“She sang that night like - I cannot say like an angel, for her songs were all of champagne suppers and strolling in the Burlington Arcade; perhaps, then, like a fallen angel - or yet again like a falling one: she sang like a falling angel might sing with the bounds of heaven fresh burst behind him, and hell still distant and unguessed. And as she did so, I sang with her - not loudly and carelessly like the rest of the crowd, but softly, almost secretly, as if she might hear me the better if I whispered rather than bawled.”

"I claim that rape exists any time sexual intercourse occurs when it has not been initiated by the woman, out of her own genuine affection and desire.

1. "The simple fact is that every woman must be willing to be identified as a lesbian to be fully feminist" (National NOW Times, January, 1988).

2. "Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women's movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage" (feminist leader Sheila Cronan).

3. In response to a question concerning China's policy of compulsory abortion after the first child, Molly Yard responded, "I consider the Chinese government's policy among the most intelligent in the world" (Gary Bauer, "Abetting Coercion in China," The Washington Times, Oct. 10, 1989).

4. "Overthrowing capitalism is too small for us. We must overthrow the whole...patriarch!" (Gloria Steinem, radical feminist leader, editor of MS magazine).

5. "Marriage has existed for the benefit of men; and has been a legally sanctioned method of control over women.... We must work to destroy it. The end of the institution of marriage is a necessary condition for the liberation of women. Therefore it is important for us to encourage women to leave their husbands and not to live individually with men.... All of history must be re-written in terms of oppression of women. We must go back to ancient female religions like witchcraft" (from "The Declaration of Feminism," November, 1971).

6. "By the year 2000 we will, I hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, not God." (Gloria Steinem, editor of MS magazine).

7. "Let's forget about the mythical Jesus and look for encouragement, solace, and inspiration from real women.... Two thousand years of patriarchal rule under the shadow of the cross ought to be enough to turn women toward the feminist 'salvation' of this world." (Annie Laurie Gaylor, "Feminist Salvation," The Humanist, p. 37, July/August 1988.

8. "In order to raise children with equality, we must take them away from families and communally raise them" (Dr. Mary Jo Bane, feminist and assistant professor of education at Wellesley College, and associate director of the school's Center for Research on Woman).

9. "Being a housewife is an illegitimate profession... The choice to serve and be protected and plan towards being a family- maker is a choice that shouldn't be. The heart of radical feminism is to change that." (Vivian Gornick, feminist author, University of Illinois, The Daily Illini, April 25, 1981.

10. "The most merciful thing a large family can to do one of its infant members is to kill it." (Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, in "Women and the New Race," p. 67).

"We are, as a sex, infinitely superior to men."

"Men are not owed access to women’s bodies, no matter what. Men are not entitled to sex with women, no matter what. Men are not entitled to any woman’s body, affection, time, or conversation—no matter what. It does not matter who she is—a stranger on the street, the love of his life, an ex-girlfriend, or an ex-wife. Even in relationships, male entitlement is violent. Relationships—of any kind—do not automatically mean consent. There is no such thing as implicit consent. In cis heterosexual relationships, it is considered the duty of women to “please their men.” This is simply another branch of misogyny. It does not matter if she flirted with him, accepted a drink from him, accepted a dinner date from him, or married him. None of this constitutes consent or the obligation to consent.

The consequences of privileged entitlement can be fatal. Women should be allowed to feel suspicious, to refuse, to exclude whomever from their personal space. Women do not owe anyone any chances. Why are entitled men so shocked by this? Statistically, women risk their bodies and breaths just speaking to them.

When the news about Elliot Rodger broke, the responses were predictable. The ableism: “Oh, he was just insane.” The deflection: “Not all men are like that!” The horrifying normalization of misogyny: “This wouldn’t have happened if one of those bitches just went on a date with the dude!” Anything to move the conversation away from the uncomfortable fact that on a systematic level, men—like Rodger—regard women as belongings.

This situation should not be the norm. Yet every time a story of gendered violence crops up in the news, I hear women say, “I’m angry, but I’m not surprised.”

We don’t belong to anyone but ourselves. Our bodies are not responsible for the violence inflicted upon us; the perpetrators of that violence are. We prevail despite systemic and pervasive marginalization. We are not “prizes.” No one “deserves” us because that language is for objects, and we are not objects. Our humanity is not debatable. Our bodies are not up for grabs. We are not for the taking. We are not tempting violence by simply existing. The onus is not on us".

"Women are the only exploited group in history to have been idealized into powerlessness."

Ex-bouncer85 2 年 前
I'd love an invite if that's ok with you 
The-walking-Dad 3 年 前
Мир Украине!!! Путин сошел с ума!!! Он лжет вам всем!!
gary1305 3 年 前
Hi,could you add me please? Would be great! Thanks and regards Gary 
CloudPear89 3 年 前
Friend me please
dadobsx 4 年 前
Ciao mi puoi aggiungere!!!
MadameWolf 4 年 前
You are missed.
bawitdaba7 4 年 前
WOW I read some of your bullshit and YOU ARE FUCKED UP IN THE HEAD. Some one must of fucked you up wait....it must of been a man. Well have fun and good luck with allllllll of that. I just read some of the devils bible.
Betreuer0815 5 年 前
Attraktives Profilbild sehr schön und danke es anzusehen !
Attractive profile picture very nice and thank you to look at it !
Jolie photo de profil très sympa et merci de la regarder !
nacimbadr 5 年 前
Bonne Année 2020....
vito_satan 5 年 前
Go fuck yourself!
"YES - I hate people who deflate footballs"
Papa_Nikolaus 5 年 前
Carlos_moreno 5 年 前
Ya te moriste, mierda feminazi??
frech_und_eitel 5 年 前
Please make us Friends 
klascho 5 年 前
Hi, i like your public videos. I want to see all. Please invite me to your friends.
andie1998 6 年 前



Avatar is stolen from internet, more than 100 Google search results,
Nickilovefun 6 年 前
Wow! Your profile is amazing!
liucazzo1 6 年 前
add me please!
DarthTroll 6 年 前
 - N O - 
wyldones 6 年 前
wyldones : Are you still accepting friend requests?
If so, it would be a privilege to be included in your circle.
回答 原始评论
renolami 7 年 前
Hello, I would be very interested in chatting with you on here. X
only_lesbian 7 年 前
Hi I am new to Xhamster as we have only just got faster internet where I live.  You have got some nice favorites. Thanks. Aroha
I would love to be your friend :smile:
wyldones 7 年 前
It would be a privilege to be included in your circle of friends.
We look forward to many exchanges.
wolfey4562 7 年 前
I not here trying to pick your up are trying to hit on you just that I love porn and you have some awesome videos if you wood Pleas add me! thank you Lloyd.
Amy_Day 7 年 前
Today is 800 days since this dead girl last appeared on XRMXX. May she rest in peace.
scheleman 7 年 前
gos...................Jimmy ........
reteid55 7 年 前
Please add me xxx
formoldeidro 8 年 前
Please Add me. Kiss from brazil.
Hi! Please add me so I can finally see the video of yours that changed my sexuality and was a turning point for me to become a woman :

"Poste Haste" with Lulu (spanish and german girl on the floor, multiple orgasmshttp://xhamster.com/movies/3436611/poste_haste.html

I have been looking for that video for two years since all my copies were destroyed in the fire of my home.

Please, if anyone can help me out!!

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