Heavy Petting

此帖仅对 Chrissiebee 的好友可见
发表者 Chrissiebee 7 年 前

Dressing for Pleasure - Part 2

Partly continued by a very imaginative friend and then picked up by myself at his instruction, enjoy:- The doorbell rings; I stand and wobble slightly on the heels. I go and answer the door, and find you there in jeans and an old t-shirt. You look me up and down, appraising me, almost like a possession, and nod. The contrast to what I'm wearing is striking. I take your arm to help me walk the short distance to the car. Ever the gentleman, you help me in and close the door. As we set off, I ask you where we're going. You just smile and run a hand up my leg, letting your fingers rest on the s… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Chrissiebee 9 年 前 32