How to Get a BIG Hole

I started in 2000 by bushing a large pin through from belly side to the under side. I left it there for a few days, and yes it hurt. I enjoy the pain so going to work or moving in a chair was enough to start an erection. I kept inserting larger things to stretch the hole. I used electro when I was stretching...hell...I use it all the time. Electro seems to anesthetize somewhat. After I got to about 3/8" opening it started to go off center. Then I started cutting. I put in a 7/16" diameter stretcher so it hurt pretty much. Then, I used a small knife with electricity flowing to… 阅读更多内容

发表者 TamHa 11 年 前 9

Sewing with stainless steel wire

Would you push a needle through your foreskin? I do. I use e-stim on the needle as it goes into the skin. The e-stim covers some of whatever pain might be there. I started to pull stainless steel wire with the needle through the skin and leave it there for future stimulation.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 TamHa 11 年 前