8inlovemuscle has taken it upon himself to harass someone that he doesn't even know. Go on everyone, look at his comments on my page. Or here it is. I'll embed a screenshot. I have never spoken to this person. I have never seen him in one of my rooms. But somehow he has taken it upon himself to shoot his ignorant insults at me. And then blocked me. I'm just going to leave this here.… 阅读更多内容
PSA: Messaging On Xham
If the answer to the question "Would I say this to a complete stranger in real life(as a form of greeting)." is no, then you should also not say it to a complete stranger just because you're behind a computer.… 阅读更多内容
PSA: Naturally Large Tits
At least 90% of naturally large breasts are what you men call "hangers". Or refer to as saggy. The only non saggy big tits you're gonna see are the fake ones. Think about it before you use an insulting term! Cheers!… 阅读更多内容
I saw this show on TLC once that was about strange couples or something or other....and there was this polyamorous dynamic where two bi guys and a woman were all in love with each other and living together. Just thinking....that might actually be an awesome setup.… 阅读更多内容
If you think you can be nice to me until we meet up and you've gotten a piece and then turn into a total douchebag.....you are sorely mistaken. It's not happening again. Message for all future applicants.… 阅读更多内容