Back in the pussy.

Yep slut is getting back into her ways, a nice and much needed fuck, doggy style today.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 StirlingSilver 7 年 前

Slut and slave.

Both recovered from illness, heart in my case so fun again. Slut is horny for cock and pussy and my new slave likewise. Could be some interesting times ahead.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 StirlingSilver 7 年 前


Got problems transferring files at the mo,next pics hopefully on Friday.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 StirlingSilver 9 年 前

Cum Lover 1

My sex partner likes to be treated as a slut, her desire and of course I enjoy it. We only started chatting six weeks ago when I recognised her face on another site, didn't at that point intend it to go any further but that changed rapidly. I was suddenly without a fuck buddy and Cum Lover informed me that her boyfriend hadn't touched her for six months, really using her as his cook and cleaner as he had moved into her place. Well we met for a coffee, but ended up in the car having a play, after which she informed me she was kicking him out so could I fuck and use her, been a gentleman I agree… 阅读更多内容

发表者 StirlingSilver 9 年 前 3
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