My name is Jessica. I am 50 years old and I work two jobs, but sadly they are not enough to cover everything that I need to get, such as prescription medication for myself. This is why I created this donation page through this legitimate, safe site called GoFundMe to help raise some money to help me get my essential prescription medication that I am required to take daily. I hope there are some individuals within this world that could donate a few dollars because even a few dollars from different individuals do add up. Thank you for your time reading my donation page and if you decide to dona… 阅读更多内容
Results of Black World Order & Muslim World Or
The Results of Black & Muslim World Order slave's & me covering up with Niqabs are in. I had two surveys going; a small on on Twitter, & a bigger survey. With combining both of them together, the outcome was: 66.75% YES, & 33.25 NO. I also got a few private messages explaining why they said no but normally they would have said yes to a Black & Muslim World Order slave covering her face with a Niqabs. So the YES percentages would have been higher if these individuals would have said yes. The reasoning made since which was more religious then anything else but they also did a… 阅读更多内容
My Niqab Survey
If you could, please review my survey question and answer. I would much appreciate it. Thank you so very much.… 阅读更多内容
My Website Is Back Up and I Am Back And Working To
Hey everyone, I am back & cleaning up my social media sites, & getting my online media sites ready for posting & searching for my BLACK KING & supporting & more. Also my website is back up & running after some major errors in coding & within the hosting. In the next few days or weeks; I am going to try to figure out how to connect my social media outlets to my website so whenever I post on my website, it will automatically post to my social medias, at least a clip of it. Even if it is not everything, it will at least notify you all when I post something. Also in t… 阅读更多内容
My WordPress Official Site Back Up But Not My Blog My WordPress Official Site Back Up But Not My Blogger/Blogspot slave Example Blog Yet I posted on many of my social media pages that my WordPress Official Website/Blog was under review for my views, my thoughts, my beliefs, and because I am a slave and with this lifestyle comes certain things that some societies and individuals do not agree with or like to read about. However, although I am a slave; I have entered this slavery life with my own free will and my own free decision to be a REAL LIVE slave girl to an African Black or African Descent Bl… 阅读更多内容
Losing Faith
I've been supporting & believing in the Black World Order & Black Supremacy since I was 15 years old. Yes, I stepped away when I was 21 & followed a sinful path until 2007 but I never stopped believing. I am starting to lose faith; why am I not owned yet; & where has this all gotten me; & where is the BWO control over the United States or World? This belief; this life in the Black World Order & Black Supremacy is not sexual or a fetish to me. To me it is true; it is the way of life; it ruled me; it governed me; it was God's laws & rules over my life. And n… 阅读更多内容
Here Is What's Going On
Here is what's going on.... Some things are going on with my blogs; they are being looked into & reviewed. This is why I pulled posts from my other sites while my blogs are being reviewed. From what I know; it is not a legal issue, it was some idiot that complained & now I am being reviewed on both blogs. What I want & what I am looking for is my own personal decision, beliefs, & at this time; my own personal freedom to decide at my own free will. SO WHY??? am I being reviewed, & WHY??? does some idiot have to complain. Had to be some stupid worthless white boi; fuck whit… 阅读更多内容
MY ... WordPress and Blogger/BlogSpot Sites/Blogs
I am having some issues with my WordPress & Blogger/BlogSpot sites/blogs... More information later but right now both of them are down. I hope I will be able to get them back up if I am allowed. Again more information later.… 阅读更多内容
Could Someone Do Me A HUGE – HUGE SPECIAL FAVOR PLEASE!!!! I was wondering if someone; one of my friends, or one of my followers, or a Black World Order supporter, or one of the Black Men that I talk to or support me. Would do me a huge – huge – huge SPECIAL favor for me. There is this Black Dildo on my Amazon Birthday Wish List that I asked for; that I searched for that is cheaper than the rest at: $18.99. All the others are $30 to $60…. I am just asking for a favor if someone could purchase this off my Amazon Birthday Wish List please… Why do you ask? Well, lately I have been extr… 阅读更多内容
Today Was My Birthday
Today Was My Birthday (Well yesterday since I am posting this so late now) Well today was my birthday; I am 47 years young. I hate that we all get older and that we cannot stay in our 20s but that is life. However, 47 is still not dead and it is still not like 70s or 80s. My grandparents lived to be in their 80s; my mother lived to be 86; and my father lived to be 89 almost 90. I had a great grandfather that lived to be 99; and all of them were still very active in through to their early 80s. So I do have longevity in my bloodline, and as long as I myself young and have a Black Master that… 阅读更多内容
My Birthday Amazon Gift List
I am going to be writing a pretty long post about everything going on here in the next few days and about my recovery from cancer. But first I wanted to put this out there; my birthday is coming up. It is on October 29th……. So I wanted to see if any of my followers; or any Black King Men; or any of my sisters would like to go on my Amazon Gift/Wish List that I made for things just for my birthday and get me a present with having Amazon ship it to me. If you want to check it out; please click on this link: Since it is throu… 阅读更多内容