Sweet Caroline

I don't usually see young women. I prefer late 20's to mid 30's, but sometimes... I met this honey, very pretty, late teens named Caroline. She is 19 or so, and an agile, athletic young thing. Not petite, but about 5'5", 120. Nice A cups that are the best little handfuls and a great ass. Like most youngun's, she has no real idea about time, money or knowledge about sex. She was certainly in a hurry to strip down and screw though. We got horizontal and she began a nice blow job. Good suction and took her time, mostly sloppy. Really it was kind of cute. I don't mean that in a bad way. It was cut… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Smoothbore 6 年 前

Index of models' initials

It's a safe habit, when writing comments, to refers to models by their initials instead of their full name, lest the vid get identified and then deleted. But of course, sometimes it may be quite puzzling to find out who's talked about in the comments. So I've started to build an index of models' initials, thinking it might be useful. It's not complete (will it ever be?) and if you notice missing models, please notify in the comments, I'll update the page. About the duplicates. As you can see, there are many two-letters homonyms; perhaps we should work out a way to disambiguate them.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Au_Loressi 11 年 前 325