My Wishlist has been updated

I have a few weeks of my studies left - the exams are over and I just have the summer project to finish :) Because I was ill, I have been given an extension to complete the project, but I cannot graduate with everybody else. Bummer as I avoided my last graduation as I could not afford all that it entailed. But I will have my degree and that makes me happy. Two of my fans have asked me to put some things on my wishlist so they can chose something to give me as a little 'well done' gift, which is really sweet of them as much of what I had on my wishlist was for survival. My wishlist is her… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SisterSophie 11 年 前

I still want something hard

Somebody has found a cheaper back up drive for me :) Now I just need somebody who loves me to buy it lol阅读更多内容

发表者 SisterSophie 11 年 前 5

I need something hard

Please would somebody think about getting me an external hard drive so I can back my work up properly? See my last blog.阅读更多内容

发表者 SisterSophie 11 年 前 1

I am panicing

I am panicing this morning because one of my classmates has lost 4 years of work because their hard drive failed. I have had a backup hard drive on my wishlist for ages, but now it would be really really good if somebody who loves me enough would get it for me so I have peace of mind now I am so close to the end of my studies. I have already lost many of the chemistry drawings because of a problem with Cloud Storage and that is making more work for me than I need right now - so please please please will somebody help? My wishlist阅读更多内容

发表者 SisterSophie 11 年 前 1

Really busy

I am really busy with life just now. I miss chatting, but I can do nothing about it for a few weeks. I will be in as often as I can xxx… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SisterSophie 11 年 前 2