Surrender and Obsession

I guess in the bedroom I dont believe in surrender only that to fight as long as I can before either not being defeated or being pushed down onto my back and pinned down until I cannot move. I remember one time years ago with a woman called Charlotte who was doing her best James Bond villain Xenia Onatopp impression (in both looks and fighting style) and she had my chest between her crushing thighs until there was an audible cracking sound and one or more of my ribs were cracked. The battle for supremacy raged on and on and in that case it ended up a draw. But to return to the topic of obsessi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SissyTiffanysRuin 1 月 前 1

Piece of Fiction

So to save time on another social media site I copy and pasted my statement on my profile to explain who I am and thought it would just lead to an ordinary chat about music and films or whatever. And considering my profile clearly states: "so I'm currently trying to deprogramme myself and trying to avoid stumbling into the wrong woman or tranny before I'm complete reprogrammed or I'm properly fucked ? Trust me it's a nightmare when your fantasies have been programmed to crave non-consensual abuse" and that I'm trying to get straight again I never saw it coming when the first reply was a stunni… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SissyTiffanysRuin 4 年 前 2