最后出现于 9 年 前
Porn Lover
3552 天 在 XRMXX 上
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29 个订阅者
106 条评论
Bondage sub slave not actively seeking anyone at the moment
A x
To be fair my love, I get the feeling a lot of the folks on here actually can't read. God love 'em, it's not their fault, I blame the government and the state of education in this country.
Oh, she takes care of herself,
She can wait if she wants,
She's ahead of her time.
Oh, and she never gives out,
And she never gives in,
She just changes her mind.
It's a womans prerogative to change her mind my love, and you're always a woman to me.
Wait til you lose someone then you'll understand. Until then.....
NO YOUNG BOYS. To me this means under 30years old. You should be aged between 35 & 50 and a gentleman for me to consider talking to you.
Another note - I most probably will never meet you. So no harassment to meet or I will block you.
And I will repeat again. If you are not interested I or have little knowledge of BDSM. Dont bother.
Thankyou for paying attention.
A) sending a message or starting a conversation?
B) reading the fucking profile!
I am an experienced trained submissive. I am not into young boys or men who just want a dabble at bdsm. I am here for chat NO MEETINGS. I wish to hear from bdsm afficionados- experienced Dominants and other submissives. If you do not fit this framework I will simply not answer. I receive lots of messages and I try to be nice to everyone who is nice to me.
So please, no new contact if you are not experienced at bdsm.