Ask Me Anything

Doing this again because I'm bored. Ask me anything (private message), but make it interesting!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SaraHarley 5 月 前

My Limit

I may have found my limit. As some of you knew, I was going to go away on a weekend with like minded kink people. That happened last weekend. And, as some you also knew, there were games to be played on that weekend. Well, due to some premature ejaculation on my husband's part, we lost that game and I found myself on the receiving end of a gang bang. Yes, my first ever gang bang. I'd like to find some complaint at the situation, but it was honestly the best experience of my life. All I will say, though, is that having 10 men fuck you for hours on end, fill you with seed after seed after seed a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SaraHarley 1 年 前


Hi there. I'm bored tonight and looking for something to pass the time, so pleas Ask Me Anything about my profession (I work in beauty therapy specialising in massage and waxing). Drop me a message with your questions :)… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SaraHarley 1 年 前

Ask Me Anything

So drunk. Ask me anything through DMs. Make it interesting!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SaraHarley 1 年 前

Drunken Truth Bomb

I'm sitting up tonight, my husband and I have been drinking and I'm really feeling it lol I wanted to share a fantasy we've been playing with for the last couple of weeks. Every time I think about it or we talk about it I get wet instantly. We've been roleplaying and talking through a fantasy scenario where we rent a suite at a hotel, I take along my wedding dress and my husband takes along a suit. We spend time having a few drinks, getting ourselves ready, putting on make up, doing my hair, and getting into my wedding dress, wedding lingerie, and heels. We share a few more drinks and wait i… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SaraHarley 2 年 前

Ask Me Anything

I'm a little drunk and I'm looking for some folk to ask me anything they want. Those of you who have spoken to me before will know what I like, but for those that don't... Ask me absolutely anything you want, make it as personal and detailed as you like. But be interesting about it, try to avoid stuff like "what's your biggest fantasy?" (just think about how often I'd get asked that lol). You can ask anything about my upbringing, my school years, my university years, my relationships, my marriage, my husband, anything you like. You can make it awkward, make it embarrassing, make it personal.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SaraHarley 2 年 前

I might be aslut lol

Playing game s with flatmates tongihtf and realised that Ive ' had so many more sexual experiences than anyone else in this apartment lol I don't knwo how to feel about that but it got me sort of hot in a weird way so thought I'd share xxx x… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SaraHarley 3 年 前

Ask Me Anything - Drunk!

Hi everyone, I'm fairly drunk and opening up an Ask Me Anything. You may know I like being intoerrogated. So ask me any amount of deep, personal, intrusive, silly, or embarrassing questions you like and I'll answer them. DM me with your questions :) x xx… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SaraHarley 3 年 前

Some Nice Questions

Hey all :) So, the other night, I asked you to send me some questions. I said that they could be personal, even intrusive. I said to send me anything and I would answer it. I will make apologies to some of you, I was very busy that night replying to as many as possible. I got a lot of questions, here are some of my favourites. Some that were nice and juicy, personal, and even some that were embarrassing to answer. I was asked the following: - Have you ever been degraded - How many lovers have you had (full sex/oral/hand) and roughly how many people have you kissed - Is your husband the big… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SaraHarley 4 年 前

Ask Me Anything - Continued!

I got some good questions last night. Some really lousy ones as well lol Willing to continue answering tonight for a couple of hours! Read the last post and get your questions in! :D xxx… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SaraHarley 4 年 前

Ask Me Anything

Husband is asleep next to me and I'm bored and can't really sleep lol So, for the next hour, you can Ask Me Anything! The questions can be tame, very personal, intrusive, or even humiliating for me to answer. Only thing I ask is that you make them creative and interesting (so no "what's your biggest fantasy?!"... it's a boring question for me lol) If you want to ask something, DM me soon! xx… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SaraHarley 4 年 前

Update and AMA - Ask Me Anything

So, for those of you who do not know, me and my husband have been staying with friends over lockdown. We arranged for work to be done in our apartment, which was torn apart in preparation. Then lockdown hit and everything was cancelled and now we need to wait until the backlog is clear before we get a new date for things lol we've been staying in the spare room of some of my best friends, so we've had the company of another couple and a singleton during lockdown, which has made a lot of nights like a mini party, which is fun! lol Anyway, we're in our room right now, we've not too long finishe… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SaraHarley 4 年 前

Drunk drunk drunk

Hello there! Anyone out there? lol Ask me some questions if you like. xxx… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SaraHarley 4 年 前 8

Let The People Swing!

So, I’m on holiday right now (apologies if I’m not getting back to anyone!) with my husband and couple of close friends (another couple, engaged). We were out for drinks last night... and then more drinks... and then even more drinks. We were absolutely horrendously drunk (I’m really feeling it today!), and we came back to our hotel suite. We all had another drink, stripped off, and jumped into our hot tub. We were laughing and having fun, then we started dating each other to kiss. I kissed my friend, my friend kissed my husband, I kissed her fiancé, even the lads kissed each other! One thing… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SaraHarley 5 年 前 21

The Heat!

So bloody warm! Pale Irish redheads are not made for this heat lol xx… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SaraHarley 5 年 前 4

Ask Me Anything

Hey everyone. So, I'm very drunk. And I feel like answering personal questions about myself, my relationship, my past relationships, my husband... whatever you want to know! DM me and leave your questions. the more personal the better :P xx… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SaraHarley 5 年 前 7

Admitting a fantasy time!

Hi all, I have a fantasy about being interrogated. Like, maybe me and my husband have went on holiday and we're stopped once we land. I'm taken away to a cold, dark room with a metal table and a chair in it, my husband forced to wait outside. A man enters and starts to ask increasingly personal questions. I've always had a kink for being forced to answer very personal questions. Just me? :P lol Update after some discussion: There would be a female colleague of the man, who comes in and does a strip search and full cavity search while the guy watches. She then stands in the room and I'm left… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SaraHarley 5 年 前 34

Sensual Massage

Hey! So, my husband has booked us in for a 'sensual massage' tomorrow as part of a Valentine's Day treat. We've talked about it for a while, but neither of us have ever done anything like this, have any of you? We're both excited and a little nervous. If any of you have experiences with receiving professional tantric massages then please let me know of your experience - what it was like, what happened etc. Very interested in hearing from girls especially. Love, Sara. xx… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SaraHarley 5 年 前 8

Drunky drunk drunk


发表者 SaraHarley 6 年 前 12