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154 天 在 XRMXX 上
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I'm your FEAR. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. You will face me. You will permit me to pass over you and through you and when I have gone you will turn your inner eye to see my path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only you will remain. Will you pass my Gom Jabbar?
P.S. I've been getting tons of messages, can't humanly answer every single one, sorry. // Pls don't send me dicky pics, better say something original (would be nice if it is not only about sex), thanks in advance. // I'm attracted to intelligence, play smart with me. // No politics allowed here. // Abuse and harassment will be ignored.
P.S. I've been getting tons of messages, can't humanly answer every single one, sorry. // Pls don't send me dicky pics, better say something original (would be nice if it is not only about sex), thanks in advance. // I'm attracted to intelligence, play smart with me. // No politics allowed here. // Abuse and harassment will be ignored.
Thanks you for the frenship Sweetie!💋💦😋