Sissy Gloryhole VideoLink

Here is a hot video of sexy girl sucking big cocks at at gloryhole with sissy caption. As I was watching I felt like the captions were coming right from my brain. I want this so much!阅读更多内容

发表者 kenwhoo 7 年 前 6

How to suck a penis (the right way)

The sad fact is that most people, men and women, do not have the slightest idea of how to suck a penis. Most seem to think that simply by making a cunt of their mouth, closing it around a man's penis, and bobbing their heads lustily up and down until he climaxes automatically makes them an expert. Au contraire! Consummate skill is required to suck a man and provide him with the highest degree of pleasure possible. When a woman first starts her quest she usually has no one to turn to for advise and counsel. It was all hunt and suck. Hunt and suck. Find that one technique that could a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 jack-cum 12 年 前 144
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