Have you guys seen this video yet? https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph617185fed0f49 If you like curvy young amateur girls, you should watch it. ? Maybe I'm just easy to please... Where are my curvy girls? Slide into my inbox (guys need not apply)… 阅读更多内容
This guy is a real piece of work. Slides into my DMs, uninvited, calls me a bitch, unwarranted, and proceeds to flash his cock around like I should be impressed. Maybe I am a bitch, to people who can't understand basic boundaries and view the opposite sex as a piece of meat. Just one more douchecanoe on the river of the internet. Great job moron. I actually debated to post his pics in the blog as a shame post, but considering how embarrassing they are, I'll skip it, as I'm sure his profile does enough to the same effect. Edit: Apparently he's too embarrassed by his own 'capability' that h… 阅读更多内容
For your consideration
Ok, I've gotten permission from Master to 'dabble' in some enjoyment for some of you. I have an Eth wallet. 0xCf6352B9bEb69E11FD6701A2980157d9eb1A46C6 Inbox me here with a screenshot of your Eth transfer to my account. If the numbers add up, I'll send something back. Your generosity will control how much and what I send you. Will Lady Luck smile on your ....needs? Have another idea? Inbox me, but keep your respect in check. I am not -yours-, so don't even attempt to act like I am.… 阅读更多内容
Hilarious Catphishing
Plainly, I'm tired of the fake fucks on this site, so I'm just going to start calling them out lol! https://xhamster.com/users/evalesb User added me as a friend over a year ago (I never responded), and they proceeded to message me. When they got no reply, the messaged again today. What followed was a directed conversation by someone who in no-way could have scored the bdsm test on the profile, and consistently tried to direct the conversation in specific direction. While their profile states, "Primal (Hunter)", the 'nudging' was done very much in a domme/mistress format. When I reiterated, mu… 阅读更多内容
Consensual Exposure / Consensual Webslutting
I used to operate a blog on Tumblr, but after Tumblr silenced web-freedom in a lot of ways, I mostly gave it up. I have been dabbling a little with a Snap "blog" in my free time, and I think I want to rekindle the posting more seriously. This is for -consensual exposure- only, so no, your "girlfriend wants to be exposed, take my word for it" won't be good enough. I won't be adding -everyone- to the blog quite yet, so please no random requests. I'll make another post here soon. For now, I'm feeling out the market. I am seeking women who have an exhibitionist edge, a desire for exposure and/or… 阅读更多内容
Lately, I've found myself looking a lot at exhibitionists, 'exposed' porn, and girls who just enjoy showing off their bodies. Maybe it's the pandemic, and long hours sitting alone, but my hands just won't stop wandering. So, my search has expanded. Any horny girl want to help a girl out? I am still serving my Master, but this search is mostly for me. Looking for a girl who is willing to send me something regularly to enjoy, to save me from having to sift through search after search of porn. My searches lately have been mostly 18-25, and I love all shapes and sizes. Age doesn't matter to me t… 阅读更多内容
Let's have some fun.
A little bored with the shutdown, and in search of a little specific fun. Figured I'd try something and see what kind of rabbit hole I end up inside of haha. I am very loyal to my Master, but I do quite enjoy a lovely lady, and lately I've been enjoying a lot of teen porn and in turn, a lot of fantasizing. Opening my inbox to any girl who wants to show off. I'll keep all posts private, but if you would like, I will anonymously create an album here to put you in as well. Anything you want to show, I'll happily and hungrily enjoy you sharing! I might return the favour, but only if I feel like… 阅读更多内容