Sexy selfie gallery #2 added...

此帖仅对 fashionattempt 的好友可见
发表者 fashionattempt 4 年 前

All Four Brown Filipina Gooks Serve White Daddy..

[image class="blog-image align-center size-large"]237040674[/ima… 阅读更多内容

发表者 eightdaddy 5 年 前 7

Recommendations from the 50+ galleries

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发表者 beliaLMatrix 6 年 前

how to make a wife web slut

此帖仅对 viktorsex 的好友可见
发表者 viktorsex 6 年 前

The Exposure Manifesto

1) Once a whore's pics are uploaded to the Internet, there is no going back! They will quickly be downloaded by hundreds (if not thousands) of horny viewers. Those viewers in turn will naturally save them to their computers, share them, post them elsewhere, and (of course) jack off to them over and over again. Their Exposure cant be undone. 2) If the exposed wishes to have her photo removed, she should read #1 again. There is no way to truly recover what has been shown to thousands of others. It is best to accept your exposure. 3) All women, girls, sluts, cunts and whores should always b… 阅读更多内容

发表者 sluts-r-us 10 年 前 16

Why I want to be famous

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发表者 Secret-Sarah 6 年 前