Porn and experiencing my schoolgirl fantasy

I have been watching porn for most of my adult life, starting at an early age of around ten. Has it influenced me by making me into a slut or cock hungry cougar? The short answer is an emphatic, "No", but it has made me aware of my sexuality and the sheer pleasure I get from sex, planned or otherwise. My career as a stewardess saw me living in hotels all around the world and after checking-in, go to my room and watch porn for my nightly masturbation. I masturbate to relieve the stress and produce the endorphins that make sleep easier, I believe most females do, but are too scared to admit it,… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Fridagirl 21 天 前 13

10 Reasons why you should be a Sissy today.

1. Being a sissy is a healthy form of escapism Escapism is not always a bad thing, and it takes more forms then you might imagine. For example, meditation is a form of escapism likewise with smoking weed or even taking a bath. These are all moments in which you turn off time, shut out the world, and bring your mind at ease by focusing on your personal time. Going deeper, sissies have the benefit of being able to escape the pressures and expectations of masculinity. By taking refuge in your feminine side, you are turning off your male ego and the pressures that come with it. Sissy time allows… 阅读更多内容

发表者 miss-behavin 5 年 前 29

My Interview with a fat man

I don't know if there is a word for it, I would think there probably is, I mean there is a word for every fucking kink, when it comes to fucking and knowing what it is that stirs your juices to make you want to ride some cock. My kink or sexual aberration, is that what disgusts me, makes me fucking horny, when I imagine him actually getting what he wants, against my will. It's almost like a self loathing, I'm punishing myself by surrendering to his will, letting him dominate and have me, standing outside myself and witnessing and feeling the sheer pleasure he is having, it has to be more than… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Fridagirl 2 年 前 13

A Girl is never too old to go back for fun

As a woman I am guilty of using these boards to complain about the hypocrisy and the injustices of sex. I forget that most men and women on here come for the companionship of the opposite sex, old men being able to read my thoughts through my words, and know that if we ever met, there would be a chance that an act of sex, could take place between us. I try to tell it like it is, because most women, are like most men, we like sex and want to fuck and be fucked, even when married, our knickers will be removed if the opportunity arises, regardless of our vows at the alter, my own carried out with… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Fridagirl 2 年 前 11

My Thai Journey

As most of you know from my writings I am a very sexually liberated woman. I put that down to learning from an early age the value of good sex and being able to separate the physical sex from the emotional sex, in the sense I never experienced having sex for the first time and falling in love just because he gave me orgasms. Actually, I credit myself for achieving amazing cumming, I knew what I wanted out of letting men fuck me, and it just came naturally. The other point you might all know is that I have a penchant for older men, I loved the difference in age and the thrill I think they are h… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Fridagirl 3 月 前 14

Noćna vožnja

Kxx je muškarac s kojim sam se već dugo dopisivala na xhamsteru. Često me nagovarao da se nađemo na kavi i upoznamo, ali sam ga stalno odbijala. Nisam ni sama znala zašto. Svaki put kad bi mi on predložio susret, osjećala bih se neraspoložena i nespremna za upoznavanje nekog novog. Valjda je to karakteristika žena i nas koji se osjećamo kao žene. Na trenutke me nervirao svojim inzistiranjem na upoznavanju, pa sam ga čak izbacila iz liste prijatelja. Ali on se vratio i ponovo tražio da ga primim u prijatelje. Prihvatila sam ga samo zato jer je obećao da me neće gnjaviti, ali me zamolio da mu ka… 阅读更多内容

发表者 tvslut69 1 月 前 7


Zašto su žene ljubomorne ako njihov muž ima CD ljubavnicu? Velika je razlika između nas i vas. Mi se oblačimo sexy jer se učimo oblačiti kao porno glumice. Ako se vi tako oblačite, onda vaš muž neće ni pogledati neku CD. Mi biramo sexy odjeću koja će se muškarcima svidjeti. Kostime koji će razbuktati njihovu maštu. Medicinske sestre (ne znam zašto se pale na medicinske sestre, ali ne pitam puno), učiteljice (sigurno su u mladosti drkali na svoje profesorice), vještice (muškarci ipak vole 'zločeste' žene), uličarke (imaju osjećaj nadmoći nad nama, jer su uličarke dno dna društva), kaubojke (u… 阅读更多内容

发表者 tvslut69 2 月 前 6

Why Cocksuckers Suck Cock

Why Cocksuckers Suck Cock There is literally nothing that can compare to having a man's penis in your mouth. The feeling you get when kneeled before another man as he stands above you in a position of power and dominance, is amazing and humbling. When servicing a cock, you stop being a human being with human rights, you become nothing more than a mouth who's only purpose is to provide oral pleasure. Sucking a man's cock is the ultimate show of submission. You are giving pleasure with all your being, without the expectation of anything in return. The sugary-sweet taste of the pre-cu… 阅读更多内容

发表者 chris429er 8 年 前 99


Branka je bila sestrična od Marka, dečka iz kvarta mlađeg par godina. Živjela je u Nišu, a ljeti bi dolazila kod tetke na more. Mi dečki bi napucavali loptu dok bi cure preskakale lastik, i tako svaku ljetnu večer. Jednog ljeta cure se više nisu igrale već počele skrivečki šaptati jedna d**goj smješkajući se nekom od nas. Bilo je to ljeto između prvog i d**gog razreda Srednje. Stigla je i ona, svi dečki su zanijemili, neki joj se nisu mogli ni obratiti. Čudo kako se netko može tako promijeniti u godinu dana. Da se razumijemo, Branka je uvijek bila slatkica, ali sa 16 je postala komad. Dečki su… 阅读更多内容

发表者 JellyStone13 2 年 前 1


PRIČA JE PREKOPIRANA PRIČA PRVA: Komšija Držao me je obema rukama za glavu, dok je njegov poveći kurac sa izrazito šiljatim glavićem upadao u moja usta. Ritmički ga je stavljao i vadio, nabijao ga duboko dok je nadamnom dahtao i groktao u uzbuđenju. To njegovo uzbuđenje tim grubim nabijanjem njegovog kurca u moje grlo, prelazilo je i na mene, dok sam klečala pred njime i začudo, trudila se da ga zadovoljim što sam bolje umela. Kažem „začudo“, jer to je bio tip koji mi se oduvek nije nimalo sviđao. Izrazito visok, proćelav, pomalo pogrbljen, uvek sa nekim odvratnim smeškom na ustama. No tada… 阅读更多内容

发表者 OtacMakarije1 2 年 前 7

Bilo je kako je On rekao

Ovo je nastavak price s migrantima i opsesije gospodina Franje da me iskoriste ko zadnju drolju. Tako je i bilo i naravno da je sve bilo po njegovom. Za pocetak, nije htio ove niske tipa filipinaca. Trazio je crnce i eventualno a****. I nasao je crnce. Nisu bas bili onak skroz crni ko noc ali su bili crnci. Navodno je sve dogovorio. Rekao im je da sam mu nevjerna i da mi zeli pokazat ko je gazda. Bilo je to ono toplije vrijeme izmedju bozica i nove godine. Unajmio je kombi za selidbe i uvalio dva stara madraca iza. Dogovorili su se da ce ih pokupit iza Paromlina. Napravila sam dvije litre lubr… 阅读更多内容

发表者 transstela 1 年 前 2

Daddy at the Truckstop

Daddy at the Truckstop I couldn't believe I agreed to this, but here I was. The truck stop is maybe an hour from my house, and I was pulling into it from the highway now, dressed in stockings, panties, and my schoolgirl skirt stuffed underneath the pants I was wearing. Right next to me was my sissy bag, with everything else I'd need today - however, it turned out. This would be my first time meeting 'Daddy' as I've been calling him, and the first time I'd be dressed in public. We'd been chatting for so long, and it was finally time for me to meet him. Coming here is what he required of me, w… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sissy_New4U 1 年 前 20


BLUES To jutro me je probudilo sunce direktno kroz krovni prozor. Bilo je pretoplo. Bila sam skroz mokra od znoja i ako sam spavala samo u kratkoj spavaćici pokrivena tankim čaršavom.Nije mi bilo čudno što Nikola ne leži pored mene, i onako sam mu služila samo da isprazni jaja, a sinoć ih je praznio dva puta na moju sreću, i bilo je za očekivati da zbriše u sred noći kod svoje ženice koja ne želi da mu da ono što ja vrlo rado dajem. Lenjo sam se protegla, zevnula i ustala iz kreveta. Bosa i sanjiva krenula sam ka kupatilu da operem Nikoline tragove od sinoć pošto me je d**gi put toliko isp… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Ibiinebi 2 年 前 5

Zagrebačka Dama – Ulična Drolja

Kada je 1991. počeo rat, živela sam u Zagrebu sa mužem i dvoje dece tinejdžerskog uzrasta. Kao i mnogi d**gi, morala sam da nestanem sa tih prostora, zna se zbog čega. Obrela sam se u Beogradu sa dvoje dece bez igde ičega, nezaštićena s malo ušteđevine. Moja šira porodica se rasturila… S novcem koji sam imala, živela sam nekako do kraja ’92. godine. Ušteđevma je neumitno isticala a onda sam morala iznajmiti skromniji stančić. Panika me je hvatala da ću ostati na ulici. Opšti haos, posla nigde a pomoći niotkuda. Do rata sam živela fino i bila sam posvećena samo svojoj porodici, ali sam u trides… 阅读更多内容

发表者 viki29 3 年 前

Ponizan par-prepisano

Nije išlo bog zna kako, ali dovoljno da zadovoljim svoje sexualne potrebe, kao i da dosta dobro popunim svoje finansijske rezerve. Nakon nekoliko bezznačajnih kontakata sa osobama oba pola, koji nisu bili vredni pomena jer je u pitanju bila klasika i nešto malo para, javili su se oni. Bračni par. Javili su se na preporuku gospođe Vere. Bračni par su bili Mira i Jovan, sa svojih 40-tak godina. Ona, prelepa, mada malo premršava za moj ukus. On skladno građen, ali na žalost sa veoma malom kitom i problemima sa erekcijom. Oboje su bili dobrostojeći intelektualci poznati u krugovima svoje profesije… 阅读更多内容

发表者 domavn 2 年 前 2


NAPOMENA: Pošto vidim da mnogi kopiraju moje priče i objavljuju ih kao svoje, zamoliću vas da mi pošaljete priču “U hladu starog hrasta”, ako je imate. Na Netu je nema, a moju kopiju je progutao stari pokvareni CD. Unapred hvala! Korona je mnogima pokvarila planove, ali kad duša zatraži svoje, tu bežanja nema. Morao sam negde da otputujem, pa šta bude. Izbor je pao na jednu od naših poznatijih banja, a odluka doneta na preporuku prijatelja sa Romea, uz molbu da obavezno pozdravim gazdu hotela, nakon što ga pošteno obradim. U putu, listao sam fotke koje mi je pomenuti prijatelj… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Bisex381 4 年 前 2


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发表者 transstela 5 年 前

Answering a Bi couple’s personal.

I had always been extremely sexual, loving both the sight of a man’s cock and the beauty of a woman. Early on, I had thought why should I limit myself to just male or female? Why not both? That’s what first lead me to looking at and then answering my first personals ad. An ad looking for sex and it was posted by a couple, a Bi guy and his straight wife. It sounded amazing and their pictures were beautiful. I responded and after a few emails back and forth, agreed to meet. They suggested somewhere neutral for our first meeting, I would have met them anywhere. As soon as I saw them, I was re… 阅读更多内容

发表者 PaulMayer00 3 年 前 10

Cap D'Agde - when i was used by over 100 men

June 2014 This is a TRUE account of actual events. i have been abroad , touring Europe for a few weeks in my campervan. One day , intending to visit the city of Montpelier in The South Of France , i pulled in to a holiday resort , a village called Marseillan Plage. ( about 2hrs drive to the west of Montpelier). i had seen on the internet that there was a nude beach there. So, i headed for the main beach and was told to walk west for 5 minutes and that i would find the nude section there. Well , even before i got to it properly , i could see men going in to the bushes behi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 bitch4black_dot_com 10 年 前 18

A Wild Night at the Truck Stop

Early one Summer evening I was heading to a favorite hook-up spot of mine by the lake. I had just finished a very long week of work and I was looking forward to being completely ravished by as many guys as possible. A girl wants what she wants, am I right? I was wearing a cute black long sleeve top with fabric so thin that, since I wasn't wearing a bra, my little budding tits (thank you hormones) and protruding nipples were bound to get some man's attention. I also had on a short brown skirt and black stockings which, paired with my black ankle boots, made my legs look absolutely amazing. I w… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sissyfuckmeat 2 年 前 17

Rendezvous with a Trucker pt2

A few days had passed before my new trucker friend had messaged me again. He said he would be coming back through my town that night and that he planned on stopping at the Lowe's parking lot to rest. He said that he needed me to meet him there so he could enjoy some more of my tight ass. After our last meeting, I was ready to get pounded by a real man again, so I told him I would be there. As I waited for him to get to my town, it felt like time was standing still. I was so excited and ready for round two. I started listening to sissy hypnos while I got myself ready. I put on a little black… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sissyfuckmeat 3 年 前 5

Rendezvous with a Truck Driver

One day I found myself chatting with an older black guy online. He was a truck driver passing through my area and he was hoping to get some ass along the way. We chatted for a little while and I told him that I was really just wanting to suck some cock and wasn't actually looking to get fucked today. The truth is that after seeing his photos I really didn't think I could take his big black cock. He was massive. About nine inches of thick black uncut meat and I hadn't actually been fucked by anyone in at least a month. He was desperate enough to blow his load though so we agreed to meet at one… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Sissyfuckmeat 3 年 前 15

A long but very hot and kinky story

Caught: Dressed and Knotted by Jimmy James ([email protected]) *** This is the story about getting dressed up, stumbling onto a dog and being knotted to him when the owners catch me! O.M.G! (MMM, M-teen/b**st, cd, 1st-gay-expr, oral, anal) *** At 17 I was an average rowdy guy and often in trouble for fighting. I was built pretty good, except I thought I had wide hips and an ass that was bigger and rounder than the average guy, which was good for what I had in mind today. Little did I know. Just to catch you up: When I was about 13 I became a bitch… 阅读更多内容

发表者 bg_bicurious 8 年 前 22

Kujica starijem muškarcu pt3

Agonija je trajala preko dva tjedna kako je N i rekao, klitič mi je bio zaključan. Na tisuće i tisuće puta sam razmišljao kako da polomim ili nešto slično cock cage, ali bih na kraju uvijek iz straha odustao. Kao što i je i za očekivati od nekoga poput mene, uvijek sam najbolje svršavao nabijen na kurac ili dildo. Čim bi se nabio na bilo što, klitič je stajao uspravno i za vrijeme sexa ga nisam nikad dirao niti dozvolio da ga se dira jer je bilo dovoljno samo malo drkanja i odmah bi svršio u mlazovima. Kako je moj staž samozadovoljavanja prije zaključavanja trajao preko deset godina svakodnevn… 阅读更多内容

发表者 daddylittleboi 4 年 前 2

Kujica starijem muškarcu pt2

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发表者 daddylittleboi 5 年 前

Kujica starijem muskarcu

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发表者 daddylittleboi 6 年 前

Uputstvo za muškarce :)

Ovaj post je u potpunosti dobronamjeran, a mozda vam i pomogne da povalite nesto. Napisala sam ga kada sam vidjela na d**gom profilu da dosta jednako razmišljamo i mislim da i ja to trebam Vama napisati :) Buduci da imam mnogo prijatelja, preko xxx tipova sa kojima sam pricala i bar 20 poruka dnevno, a samo sam nekoliko tipova dala guze, mislim da znam o cemu pisem i kako mozda da vam/nam svima pomognem. 1. Hoces da ti pusim kurac a nisi mi ni pokazao kako izgleda, gluposti. Imajte bar sliku ili opis i godiste. Kurac i slika tijela je minimum. Bar vas 300 me kontaktiralo bez ikakve slike i… 阅读更多内容

发表者 marina_cd_kurvica 4 年 前 3

Ispovest CD drolje

Imala sam tada tek 20 godina. CD me je interesovao jos od srednje skole. Spletom okolnosti, dok sam konobarisao u jednom lokalu, upoznam coveka koji mi je ostvario sve snove. Tad sam bila sitan, mrsav deckic, ali sa lepom guzom. On je bio u 40-im, visok, markantan, dubokog i autoritativnog glasa. Jedno vece me je pozvao gajbi gde me je obukao u cipkani ves i odvalio me od kurca. Tada sam konacno shvatila sta je to sto ja zelim i tu krece moja prica. Taj stan, gde me je on odvodio, je on nasledio ali nije znao sta ce sa njim. On je ziveo sa zenom i decom na d**goj adresi a ovaj stan je eto tak… 阅读更多内容

发表者 srbinbeograd 3 年 前 8

Porn Lessons

Porn Lessons I disagree with those that say porn has no educational value. I learned how to deep throat, I learned how to prepare my tiny pink hole, I learned how to apply make-up and dress like a little sissy slut all before I turned 16, just from watching porn and most of all, I learned that daddies love it when I pay attention to detail and do as I’m told. I was 18 the first time I went out in public dressed up as a little sissy boi, heels, stockings, garters, silk panties and push up bra with inserts, platform heels, short skirt, plunging top and my blonde hair in pig tails. I waited… 阅读更多内容

发表者 jayymie 9 年 前 24


I am a sub sissy. I love to be dominated, humiliated, degraded, spit on, cum on, pissed on, spanked, flogged, made to beg and crawl, treated like a dog, and brutally face fucked. However, this is consensual sex play. **** is another story. It is not a sex act but a non consensual act of v******e. I have no fantasies about being ****d. I think it is vile. Being pimped out is another story altogether. It is a total turn on to me. Most because it is a total act of degration - especially when the "pimp" only charges $.25 or a dollar for your services. I have been pimped out (at least symbo… 阅读更多内容

发表者 sissyslutt 13 年 前 10