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2939 天 在 XRMXX 上
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At young age i allready felt the urge to dress in womens clothing. My strict parents would have beaten me to dead had they known that and nowadays my wife also has no understanding for my need to change into the woman me every now and then. <br/>So, i'm a closet trans girl.<br/>What's worse is that the urges get stronger and stronger and lately i discovered that when i am "Woman" i feel the need to become a complete "Woman". <br/>I feel the time has come for me to take the next step and give myself to a man.<br/><br/>Thank god for the internet which gives me the chance to, at least partly, come out of the closet.<br/>It's great to be able to converse with fellow people.<br/><br/>E.
thank you for accepting me princess. Beautiful your profile picture