Over the last few months (years?) a few people got in touch (via me and my friend cockkicking) asking if I could use their cock for my fake pictures. Some even offered money. (Huh?) How much would that even be worth? (Considering I'm not really great at it and don't own any of the pictures I'm using...) Any ideas or thoughts? (My gf said some people probably get off on the fact that a woman has to look at their penis for a long time when working with pictures of it. Kinda plausible I guess.)… 阅读更多内容
Reasons for my long absence
I've not been on here for months... I know... Thing is, I usually can only concentrate on one thing at a time. Over the last year I really got into Netflix (and chill❤) and I'm binge-watching everything that is even mildly interesting. Among the shows I liked was "Dark," a German thriller/mystery drama. I kinda liked the sound of German... Then my company offered to pay for lessons of my choice (for "furthering and strengthening one's capabilities")... Long story short, I'm now taking private German lessons. And the teacher is so adorable and charming!! ❤ He's got a bit of a dad bod (which… 阅读更多内容
Question time! (Game of Thrones)
If you could have sex (any style/type you want) with any ONE character from the Game of Thrones TV series, who would you choose and why?… 阅读更多内容
Little bit sad...
I was in Tokyo for a meeting the other day. I traveled so that I had a free day for sightseeing. So far so good. I had a pretty good time. I saw two men and a woman scouting for adult videos (I'm not sure, but I think that's what they did). They asked a pretty older woman, but she declined and rushed off. So I went there, hoping maybe to get noticed, but they didn't talk to me. (◞‸◟) Of course I would have said no, because I don't want to be in an adult video, but hey, it would have been nice to be considered at least. *sigh* I know, I'm not pretty enough... (I also know, the whole thing i… 阅读更多内容
Slave Applications CLOSED for now
I'm leaving the text up, but applications are closed now. Thanks for understanding. I, Mistress Miyoko, am now officially accepting slave applications. I’ve gotten so many PMs stating that they want to become my slaves. If that is so, put your cocks and pussies where your mouth is. Serious applications only! Application if you have a cock: Get a boner and write my name on your cock. Whiteboard markers work well, I also don’t care if you use permanent marker. Having my name on your cock is an honour by itself. Take one or several pictures of your artwork… 阅读更多内容
Picture uploading problem?
I get an error when I try to upload a new gallery. Anybody else? I hope they fix this soon. :(… 阅读更多内容
Today I finally had "the talk"...
Yes, I finally had "the talk" with my girlfriend. (I'll call here "Aya" on this board. It's not her real name, but I like the sound of it.) It wasn't even me who started it. Thankfully she wanted to talk when we had lunch in a small noodle restaurant. (Yeah, I know, a great place for sex talks :P ) Aya said that she had something to tell me, something she kept secret until now. I didn't really know what to expect and started to worry a bit, but it was unnecessary! To cut things short, Aya has some fantasies too. She likes to get peed on. Hmm... I've never tried that kind of thing bef… 阅读更多内容
Home for the weekend! ☆
I'm at my parents' place since yesterday, enjoying 2 days off work and mother's cooking. v^^v My little brother is off to university, so I had time to *ehem*... "inspect" his room last night. I found a huge stash of porn magazines. It seems he's into legs and bukkake. Hehe, interesting to know. :P He looks so innocent, the little devil. :D He's also got a box full of DVDs. I'm ripping a few of them onto my notebook as I write this, but hard drive space is limited. I have to choose well and bring an external drive next time. Haha.… 阅读更多内容
Miyoko's FAQs (2)
More FAQs! :P The first question (previous post) was very long, but the following ones are shorter. 2) Do you want to cam? No. 3) Do you need a slave? No. I like to talk to nice, respectful people. ;) 4) Is that you in your avatar? No. It's from a magazine cover.… 阅读更多内容
Miyoko's FAQs (1)
There are several questions people ask me quite often. I'll try to answer them shortly (more or less). This is the first one. 1.) Why do you use only this one guy's cock for your anime pictures? Are you obsessed with it or what? Answer: I want to make it short, but this needs some longer explanation... Some years ago I had a blog on Yahoo (don't look for it, I deleted it already) and CK (cockkicking) always left cheerful comments on my blog entries. He sounded like a genuinely nice guy, so after several months I agreed to exchange e-mail addresses. From then on we exchang… 阅读更多内容
Help with captions?
Do you want to help me with captions? (日本語でもOK!面白いキャプションちょうだい!☆) I made some more anime pictures and I thought maybe some of my friends here could add some nice captions? Please post your ideas as comments for the single pictures in this gallery: http://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/2612523/anime_girls_playing_with_a_real_cock_no_captions_01.html For this one it would be nice if the text fits the speech bubbles. ;) I love the drawing style of this artist. His name is "Toshiki Yui" if somebody is interested. His girls ar… 阅读更多内容
My new relationship...
I'm finally confident enough to write it here. ... *blushing* ... I've been in a new relationship for almost 3 weeks now. A lot of people have been congratulating, thanks! ^o^ What I didn't tell openly yet is that my new partner is indeed a woman. :D I'm madly in love with her and it really feels like there are butterflies in my stomach when I'm with her. I wish we can be together forever. :) She doesn't know about my profile here or about my fantasies yet... I'm still waiting for a while before I disclose any of my weirder fetishes to her. :P… 阅读更多内容
50 galleries uploaded! Wheeee!
A small milestone! Please check it out and comment! For this gallery I used a sexy cat girl. I love her boots and her gloves. So sexy! :D http://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/2538779/anime_girls_playing_with_a_real_cock_with_captions_no_50.html… 阅读更多内容
Special thanks to cockkicking!
I've been talking (well... e-mailing) to cockkicking for over 4 years now. First outside of xhamster of course. We have never met (and never will), but we know each other very well, and since I joined here he always provides me with the exact pictures I need for my collages. Thanks for that! :) If you have a minute, please visit his profile. He has lots of content (lots of pics of beautiful women and also some funny stuff) and is a nice guy. =3 The newest gallery I uploaded is a present to him. Usually I tell him what I plan and ask his opinion, but this time I wanted to s… 阅读更多内容
Xhamster is making me naughtier...
Today when I went grocery shopping in a skirt I didn't wear my panties. It was a rather long skirt, so it's not like anybody could see anything, but it was quite arousing. XD Walking without panties feels so... free and nice! I think I'm going to do that more often from now on. :)… 阅读更多内容
New series of captioned anime pics!
My series Anime Girls playing with a Real Cock (with captions)" is at part 30 already! *applause* v^o^v So I made a special one for this occasion. All nine captions are connected into a (very) short story. Please let me know what you think in comments. :) Full gallery: http://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/2461706/anime_girls_playing_with_a_real_cock_with_captions_no_30.html Please… 阅读更多内容
Take pictures for me!
My good friend cockkicking has made these cool pics for me! I love them! I know there's this thing called "tributes", but since I won't post pictures of myself... I'd like to see pictures with my name! So, write my name on your cock and post the pics! Pairing it with a cute anime character (figure or picture, anything...) gives extra points! Be creative! For girls, you can also take part and write my name on your hands, feet or also pussy if you can (might be a bit difficult... :P ). I'm hoping for lots of pics! The "winner" (if there are enough entries...) will receive a short Femdo… 阅读更多内容
Talking to people, friend adds etc.
It's nice that so many people write PMs, but if those PMs are only "hello" or "hi" or "wanna see me cum?"... then I won't answer them any more. Use a little effort, guys. :) Also, I'm not looking for people to chat or skype or whatever. There are a few nice users here, which I like talking to. Being friendly and respectful is the best way to receive an answer. ;) Another good way of getting my attention is commenting on my pictures. If you like them, please comment. I really love to read comments and maybe even receive new ideas. As for friend requests: I mostly decide on my "gut f… 阅读更多内容
Mistress magazines
Yesterday I bought my first Mistress magazine at an adult book shop. Nobody was there except me and the cashier couldn't see my face (I hope), because that's how the register is constructed. Yay for privacy. 昨日、初めて女王様雑誌を新古書として購入!ドキドキしたけど、レジは顔が見られないようになってるので平気だった。☆ Sniper Eve Vol. 46 It's very interesting and arousing to see photos of real professional Mistresses at work. They're all so beautiful...… 阅读更多内容
What I can imagine doing to a cock
As I've been fantasizing about this for a long time I've come up with many many ideas on what I'd like to do to a helpless cock. :) 1) Slap it around with my hands 2) Pull on the foreskin really hard 3) Get a firm grip on it and jerk it as fast as I can 4) Tie a string around it and attach weights 5) Kick it with shoes on 6) Stomp it with shoes on 7) Grind it like a cigarette under my shoes 8) Insert a thin pinheel into the peehole (this seems dangerous, though) 9) Pour hot wax on it 10) Rub it with stinging nettles 11) Slap it with thin tree branches 12) Whip it with a riding wh… 阅读更多内容