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Porn Expert
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No invitations from third-world countries, please!
These countries include:
1) Countries where the private and public life is hampered by religious superstitions;
2) countries which do not respect the human rights;
3) countries where censorship is imposed by the state or by state-affiliated organizations;
4) countries with non-democratic governments.
These countries include:
1) Countries where the private and public life is hampered by religious superstitions;
2) countries which do not respect the human rights;
3) countries where censorship is imposed by the state or by state-affiliated organizations;
4) countries with non-democratic governments.
マミで~す♪ 仲良くしてね(^o^)fufu
Thanks for the invite. Hope you'll find some of my posts enjoyable.
Julie V.
kiss Kim
and let love greetings here!