My first time being fucked... Finally!

此帖仅对 CD-Rebecca 的好友可见
发表者 CD-Rebecca 11 年 前

Enslaved In Satin

Enslaved In Satin Part 1 Chapter 1 It’s the night before the last day of school before summer vacation begins. I am sure just about every other boy at my school is also having problems getting to sleep tonight. In their case it is out of being excited about summer vacation. In my case my insomnia is caused by a mixed feeling both anticipation and dread. I have been sleeping in my normal bedroom on cotton sheets for just over three months now. I live with my mother. My father left when I was two years old. I have just turned sixteen and know that if I don’t break away fr… 阅读更多内容

发表者 barbsat 14 年 前 10