Picnic in the park

I was at a picnic table in a sort of remote part of a park near me last week just chilling out after walking my dog. An older guy walked over to me. He was like 50 and actually smaller than me and I had my dog with me so it didn’t frighten me. He made small talk about how nice a day it was and how he liked my dog etc. Then sort of out of the blue he told me he was wearing panties and asked me if I wanted to see. I laughed so hard because he was a little guy and not intimidating at all. So I said sure, and said I would look only if he didn’t try and touch me and would do anything I told him to… 阅读更多内容

发表者 littlegirllost 1 年 前 38

Turned out

Growing up, most parents worked, so we were unsupervised in the afternoon until they got home. During the summer it meant we were free all day. The boy next door was a bit older than me, and I would sometimes hang out with him on his driveway between our houses while he worked on his car. In the summer, the only cool spot was in the basement so I was glad when he invited me to go down to his basement with him to shoot pool. The basement had a couch and pool table and was dimly lit by a couple of bare bulbs mounted on the unfinished ceiling. I went upstairs to use the toilet, and when I came… 阅读更多内容

发表者 littlegirllost 2 年 前 124