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All videos, pictures and likenesses are OWNED by the maker/uploader of this site. Any copying, redistributing or conveying any and/or all items from this site is expressly prohibited. Ownership documentation is legally binding and any infringement on said agreement shall be prosecuted and civil damages can and WILL be sought. I would advise you review copyright and civil ownership laws BEFORE you decide to copy or portray anything from this site.
We saw your "BEWARE XHAMSTER!!" warning comment on a couple of other pages, and thought we'd stop by.
We too have been victims of theft, but have taken to 'branding' our original, amateur content that we post here.
Maybe it's something you might consider doing.
Sure, people are going to steal our shit and claim it as their own. But I view that as the price we have to pay to be able to post on public sites like XRMXX. At least with branding, wherever it goes people will see who created it and where it originally came from.
You can read more about it our solution in our blog post here: