What is your favorite fantasy?

Beautiful women are beaten , fucked m, tortured…. But what is the situation that thrills you most ? is it a special surrounding? A special scenario? And who are the victims? Just any woman for the use or women you know. That are may be even close to you?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Loebentier 1 年 前

Return of torture for women

Studies show that more and more crimes potentially committed by women remain unsolved. Even if the remand prisons are fuller and fuller. What do you think - should torture get an instrument of justice again? In these cases the female suspects would be stripped of their civil rights, taken to interrogation centers to proceed their cases. What kind of torture would you see as appropriate?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Loebentier 2 年 前 16