Fake Couples

I sometimes get invites from this site. Unfortunately, some of them aren't legit. Majority of my connect is from those I meet in passing, and it's usually the wife I'd come across. The conversation is always subtle, and about your typical day to day things. During the conversation, the energy or vibes are always cool, no pressure in trying to impress each other. An invention is extended by myself or her to an event or just to workout. No pressure. I'm always made aware of the hubby, and he's made aware of me. We'd all eventually meet, and it is always cool vibes from both sides all the time. T… 阅读更多内容

发表者 lluuverboy 7 年 前

Residing in Nashville TN for over a year, and horn

I've been residing down here in Nashville TN an implant from Philadelphia PA and thus far all I've done nothing but watch porn, jerk off and watch sexy ass white women walk around being hovered by white dudes. I don’t have a preference when it comes to the ladies personally, although my last few dates were with black women. But due to their insecurities, and being threatened by the presence of a white woman, I am utterly turned off by that. Although they themselves have professed to me how white men are attracted to them, yet still think I should be impressed in some way. Growing up in… 阅读更多内容

发表者 lluuverboy 8 年 前 1

Dumped Twice for Being a Sex Addict.

I’m not sure if I have a problem or not, but I don’t know anyone who got dumped two times for watching porn. A few years ago I would stop at the porn shop, and pick up x-rated movies on the weekend. I wouldn’t get just one; I would get as many as I could. The most I have gotten was about twelve at a time. I’d rush home, wait until my girl went to sleep, or step into the other room. I’d drop my pants, with a jar of vasoline laying at my side. Wait until my dick rock hard. Then I’d lube up all 9” of my man meat with vasoline. Lean back into the couch, and jerk off until I’d cum so hard the… 阅读更多内容

发表者 lluuverboy 13 年 前 4