Adultery ?? No FIGHTING!! ;) ;)

a·dul·ter·y /əˈdəlt(ə)rē/ Learn to pronounce noun voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not his or her spouse. "she was committing adultery with a much younger man" LINTON(Sonic) SAYS " In the beginning they allowed adultry. It caused too many fights, then kept track of the NUMBERS. Then he made it a rule(sin). If everybody get along peacefully it shouldn't FEEL like witches spell burning in your soul(FEELINGS). If you move on quickly exactly like the a****ls do it. If I wrote it. I would talk about HELL just to scare the shit out of the FUT… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Lintonninja 4 年 前

I LOVE WOMEN Females, random thoughts. Short life.

No touchy, touchy feely feely!! Don't play reverse psychology with me! I love Pussy! Some men don't know what it is like sleeping with them selves so they might use a close guy friend or girl just to be curious, no homo only for strong understanding men. Use another male as a reflection because females lie (Dark Link). Besides that men have been touching up little boys from they were young, years later they think about it( what the fuck was I doing?? ) Everybody wants FORGIVENESS!!! Everybody do bad things and pray for forgiveness. People have been ****d, some forgive, some don't. Only men who… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Lintonninja 5 年 前

Sex and hygiene

Always wash hands before gloves, cold & hot! Keep master hands busy while working out! Not supposed to jerk off, go cook jerk chicken like a chef! Mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm lol! I love Jerk Chicken!! Always take a shower before and after sex. Clean sex, that's safe sex! It is ok to jerk off in a condom, glove always... Practice safe sex!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Lintonninja 5 年 前

Condom shaped Halo

Always praying, before, during and after safe sex... Move solo just like playing Halo (No Tails!) The Condom looks just like a halo! She said baby I can see your Halo(song). No illness or baby , zero!! Study and practice safe sex with a condom everyday ( Technique & skill )! Who are you going to call, feels like a ghost buster movie? Capture (sperm) like it's pokemon, Condom Master!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Lintonninja 5 年 前

Mirror Psychic (2. It takes TWO)

The Condom is just like a mirror. Broken condom, broken mirror. The legend of Zelda, Mirror shield. Same way dark Link moves towards you as a reflection. If a female is attracted to you, then she must act as a reflection. Same way you touch yourself in a reflection, it should look like magnet! Room full of mirrors. As a straight man, If the opposite doesn't like you make sure you spend the rest of your life face to face with females. It should feel like a mask, Voodoo Mask! Back to back, backstabbing, face to face or no face, ghost face! Switch females sameway you switch masks. People put invi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Lintonninja 5 年 前

History, his story, her story, My story! 1st story

People talk shit, backstabbing,money makes people switch sides!! When you kick ass, it gives the people that don't like you a heart squeeze and blackeyes (stare)... Lots of people pay for sex until they use it to control you. All they have to do is close there legs... No matter how straight you look people will cover you up in lies(Mask). You pay! I get it for FREE! I can see why you are pissed off! Mario gives Princess all of his coins so she can look BIG, plump as a Peach(I LOVE BIG ASS), meanwhile Sonic just like videogames FUCK for FREE(Fat or Skinny)! Think fast Megaman no you have to mov… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Lintonninja 5 年 前

My First post -_

I have been having sex for more than eight years, feels like Infinity! All my random encounters feels like pokemon. Woman just come out of nowhere... People are very rude on the internet. I make sure I dodged all the assholes and fucked all the Princesses! I started as Spider man then it started feeling like a movie. I had so much sex I felt like I was collecting rings just like playing Sonic the Hedgehog! Skip every bitch with an attitude, All the friendly girls gave me the pussy, keep it a secret ssssshhh.... Pussy is infinite!!!!! I love sex and video games :) . Everywhere I go just me and… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Lintonninja 5 年 前