最后出现于 3 年 前
2048 天 在 XRMXX 上
169K 个人资料浏览次数
6.9K 个订阅者
8 条评论
WARNING: All published materials, videos and photos are not my property.
Were taken from the Internet and considered to be in the public domain.
Therefore, if someone is considered owner and / or boast of
any right to copyright and / or injured in his / her personal right,
you can safely request removal by a personal message.
Removal will take place immediately and without opposition.
With this I release my personal civil, criminal and administrative responsibility for the material I posted in this profile!
Were taken from the Internet and considered to be in the public domain.
Therefore, if someone is considered owner and / or boast of
any right to copyright and / or injured in his / her personal right,
you can safely request removal by a personal message.
Removal will take place immediately and without opposition.
With this I release my personal civil, criminal and administrative responsibility for the material I posted in this profile!
.......................@ THX FOR ADD