You kneel before me, quietly shuddering as your sore rear shakes a little, wriggling from the touches applied. The growth hormone has done its work and of course, have altered and expanded your butt to a truly large, wriggling, fuckable butt. Your slit is new but it softly moistens, the feeling of having its fresh lips firmly filled with a whirring vibe having been ecstasy inducing. Your entire frame shakes as you bare your head, your blonde hair now trailing gently behind you as the moans of other 'sisters', if not in blood, in bondage, are being heard as they are processed. You bare yo… 阅读更多内容
I am here. Now...
Now it is time for you serve me. On your knees, panting, whimpering as your breasts are moulded and your body is constructed. I am going to break you in, new girls.… 阅读更多内容