Dear Lately I am having a blast doing fakes of people I know at the same time I am satisfying my perv imagination. At the same time the more I do the better the results. So i came up with the idea of doing fakes upon request, always if I find it appealing and intresting. Below are some examples of what my current skills are, if you are interested please contact me in pm… 阅读更多内容
Send me a photo of your liking for a tribute.
The last few months as long as I opened a profile on XHamster, I developed a taste for tributes. The tributes I do by request are of XHamster friends and I love doing them. But the tributes that arouse me the most are of girls that I personally know especially to my cousins. I would like with your help to try something new. FOR ALL MALTESE... SEND ME PHOTOS OF HOT SLUTY MALTESE GIRLS FOR ME TO TRIBUTE. The only catch is that who sends the request has to tell me who the girl is on the photo (her info will remain confidential) cause for me knowing to whom I am doing the tribute, makes me ex… 阅读更多内容
Masturbation quiz
Are you male or female? Male Age? 35 At what age did you start masturbating? 10 How many times a week do you masturbate? every day How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? almost always twice Where do you masturbate: In bed? Yes In the shower? rarely In the bath? no Outdoors? Rarely At work? sometimes Every room in the house? no What do you fantasize about when you play: A significant other? Yes A friend? Happened A friend's spouse? No A stranger? If Celebrities counts. A co-worker? Yes. A member of the same sex? No. A member of the opposite sex? Yes A past lover?… 阅读更多内容
Truth or Dare
Truth or Dare? Ask me 5 questions! I answer any questions, no matter how crazy or intimate they are. Now it's your turn. Post the same in your profile and look forward to the questions from others I answer only if they are all together in a comment below and numbered… 阅读更多内容