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Porn Expert
4968 天 在 XRMXX 上
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I registered because I thought that would allowed me to easily dl shitty flash vids (as I remembered it used to be like that, ala TnAflix [ie; first free, then infonag]); but alas, to no avail. Links are still convoluted within source though (with an annoying time validation/expiration key); so basically I registered in vain (main purpose fail). Most content nowadays is premium anyhow, and would obv have to pay for it. So it is not 100% free (anymore [ucansearch4dlr]). It's also pointless to register when most sorry ass-holes would have you then dog bone beg for a friend invite for merely giving the privilege of their il companionship, and most importantly, displaying their even more sorry ass shit. Pitiful... At least those leet (:re:) can be filtered/blocked out; somewhat. But still, the whole state of affairs; site wise; cannot, without shelling out some dough and properly filtering out a good percentage of the population :/
Disclaimer: Sidney U, Adult FF & just about any other shady lame low life ad spammer/researcher can pwn my ass, go suck a fatty one, mod media, or basically for the same effect do WTF they like. If you do not do whatever the fuck you'd like, you'll make the internet fairy sad, Ceiling Cat cry, and bring the end of the world as we know it (ie, Catnarok!!!). I hereby claim that every other luser with a public profile and a proper legal notice is a silly anal control paranoid stupid bitch with a shitload of unresolved psycho issues. Ie, chill the fuck up! The whole wwwebz universe do no revolve around you. Is it the fact that you're not getting a cut; wtf gives?! I just don't get it; didn't you agree to the TOS/U? So, you've placed some private info alongside your clearly identifiable BDSM/Pissing/Fisting session with your fav relative/coworker/hooker for the whole world to see; and you don't see the evident self contrary pwnage of it all; then plz, go kill yourself. I for once, don't give a flying fuck; either way. Privacy issues due to your utter stupidity are none of my concern. In any case, I'd be more concerned with a real threat; like Scroogle, or something. Even if you were to make it private; how can you trust an ol perv w/friend stat? Nigga plz; even moar reason to take the ultimate solution anyhow. I'd recommend you do that ASAP. At the very least, try calling first your e-laywer before copy-pasta obv laughable shit (unless you did it for the lulz to begin with); the only thing you'll be really notifying is that you're a complete moron, and your even more obv lowcow status. The internet jury out there will be happy to award you some more virtual kudos; like I have...
BTW, you can email me at: [email protected] or [email protected]
(I hope the above links help you understand why my profile is the way it is.)
Disclaimer: Sidney U, Adult FF & just about any other shady lame low life ad spammer/researcher can pwn my ass, go suck a fatty one, mod media, or basically for the same effect do WTF they like. If you do not do whatever the fuck you'd like, you'll make the internet fairy sad, Ceiling Cat cry, and bring the end of the world as we know it (ie, Catnarok!!!). I hereby claim that every other luser with a public profile and a proper legal notice is a silly anal control paranoid stupid bitch with a shitload of unresolved psycho issues. Ie, chill the fuck up! The whole wwwebz universe do no revolve around you. Is it the fact that you're not getting a cut; wtf gives?! I just don't get it; didn't you agree to the TOS/U? So, you've placed some private info alongside your clearly identifiable BDSM/Pissing/Fisting session with your fav relative/coworker/hooker for the whole world to see; and you don't see the evident self contrary pwnage of it all; then plz, go kill yourself. I for once, don't give a flying fuck; either way. Privacy issues due to your utter stupidity are none of my concern. In any case, I'd be more concerned with a real threat; like Scroogle, or something. Even if you were to make it private; how can you trust an ol perv w/friend stat? Nigga plz; even moar reason to take the ultimate solution anyhow. I'd recommend you do that ASAP. At the very least, try calling first your e-laywer before copy-pasta obv laughable shit (unless you did it for the lulz to begin with); the only thing you'll be really notifying is that you're a complete moron, and your even more obv lowcow status. The internet jury out there will be happy to award you some more virtual kudos; like I have...
BTW, you can email me at: [email protected] or [email protected]
(I hope the above links help you understand why my profile is the way it is.)
朋友 6
I found this old verified proud User
have a Fake intro post last year on his Profil
the original
MR Stefan_Sorin_Nicolin
hahaha LMFAO
darius is busted !
Yes; it would be kind of hard the first couple of times, as one would be learning; but after posting a few, one should adeptly have figure it out (infer proper combination of conv parameters for yielding opt results). And no longer waste time (which is an ul constant); unless you really have no clue at video editing, or figuring out how things really work out; of course. Since non accordingly all those other people apparently would have no life then.