how would you go about organising an orgy? anyone got any coming up? something I have longed to be a part of but never had the bottle to attend or organise one? just intrigued really!… 阅读更多内容
Local wife
Last Saturday I was having a quiet pint in my local boozer. At about 8:45 a couple walk in, she immediately caught my eye! 5 and a half foot, huge tits, and plenty to grab hold of, a good chubby girl. The guy she was with seemed rough around the edges! I couldn't take my eyes off of her for a good hour. Her tits were pretty much out inyour face and they were just calling my name. As the night drew in they sat 2 stools down from me and her fella starts chatting to me! Normal at first, then he starts saying 'so what do you think' at first I played dumb but after a couple of minutes I knew wht he… 阅读更多内容