Here's your chance to win the password to my private videos! And they are XXX RATED! They include 3 videos of me milking my dick with the vacuum cleaner untill I orgasm and spray my sperm all inside the transparent tube for you to see! Also a video of me wanking into a cup about 5 times and then dipping a dildo into the sperm and sucking & licking it off! To win simply answer the following riddle and inbox message me the answer and the first to do so will win; You see me in water, but I never get wet. What am I?… 阅读更多内容
Vacuum cleaner milks my dick on webcam
Love getting sucked by the vacuum cleaner. My favourite weekends are when i get in from work on friday, i then get naked in bed, draw the curtains. fix the see-through hose on to the vacuum (i do this because people who watch me on webcam like to see all the 'milk' squirt out of me) turn the power button on, and i will spend every hour from friday evening until i have to go to work on monday morning with my dick inside the vacuum hose having lots of orgasms and producing lots of spunk. I will seriously eat maybe only once over the three days, sleep a few hours and the rest of the time is spent… 阅读更多内容
Vacuum cleaner milks my dick and people watch.
Love fucking the vacuum cleaner, my dyson is too powerful so had to make an extended tube so the suction was less. Defo think ive done it over 100 times, i'm addicted to it! Would either lie flat and let it just suck all the cum out of my dick or put the hose between two pillows and go on top and shag the hell out of the sucking hose till i orgasm. I only last about 30 seconds which is annoying and i always plan to get to the brink of orgasm and pull my dick out and wait and keep stopping and starting for atleast ten mins so the orgasm will be the more intense but as that first orgasm feeling… 阅读更多内容