Some Amateur BBC ♠️

Some Amateur BBC ♠️Some Amateur BBC ♠️Some Amateur BBC ♠️Some Amateur BBC ♠️Some Amateur BBC ♠️Some Amateur BBC ♠️Some Amateur BBC ♠️Some Amateur BBC ♠️
发表者 jacoXx 6 月 前 10

Muscle worship...?

Towards or at the end of puberty, when guys reach the peak of their physical development, the slim-skinny physique and natural muscularity of some young guys can be aesthetically very appealing. While relaxed the muscles lack any obvious definition and convey little impression of strength, but when flexed they reveal themselves with an understated beauty and presence. It could be the rippling of upper arm muscles, or abs, or a chiselled thigh, or an athletic, V-shape torso which catches my eye and results in an erection. I'm not talking about characteristic strength poses used to show off bul… 阅读更多内容

发表者 alwayshorny059 1 年 前 2


"Please Sean. There's something wrong, can't you look into it?" She asked. "Look into what? Lucas acting weird?" LAPD Detective Sean Brady sighed. When his stepson's wife, Lauren, had called him at work and asked to meet for lunch, it was a surprise to say the least. He wasn't especially close with his stepson, Lucas, or his daughter-in-law. So, when she said she wanted to speak to him about plans for Brady's upcoming forty-third birthday, he knew it was really about something else. "He's not just acting weird, there's more to it than that. He's cold, distant, sometimes he locks himself in… 阅读更多内容

发表者 uclajock 3 年 前 12

Making "Love"

I don't know how the rest of you feel but being a bottom can be incredibly sensual. When you have a top that really wants to take his time inside you with deep, slow strokes it can be quite intense. I'm not feminine but being in the missionary position with a hot hung top between my legs I know who is in charge. He drives the pace and position. Having him in me and lean down to kiss me deeply and passionately is such a turn on. I know that I'm there for him. If he makes me take hits from the popper bottle even better. If you're lucky enough to find a top that can last for a long time you'll be… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Cockyguy_md 2 年 前 37

The first time

When was the first time you ever sucked a cock? For me it was about three years before I could even drive a car. But I can say without a doubt, it was the most exciting, and sexually gratifying thing I've ever done. Honestly, it kind of scared me how much I liked it and I was afraid of being labeled as gay and ostracized as a teen. Now that I'm in my 50s I don't care so much what others think. I still like sucking cock as much as that first time, I just wish more married men like me were willing to give up their inhibitions and give in to it. We would all be much happier people!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 smilinwillie2001 2 年 前 111

Admit you want to suck cocks

I’ve been receiving a lot of requests lately from panty boys who want me to teach them how to become better sissys. So I’ve decided to put together an ongoing video tutorial to help you become a more perfect little bitch. In the video below, you’ll find the very first lesson. I didn’t take this responsibility lightly. I spent a lot of time thinking about what the first lesson ought to be — and I decided to get to the root of why so many of you like to wear panties. It’s because you want to suck cock, even though you’re probably afraid to admit it to yourself. (Afterall, you are a panty-wearin… 阅读更多内容

发表者 thisthe 8 年 前 9

When you can no longer stay hard with your wife...

When you can no longer stay hard for your wife So maybe you've been occasionally thinking about cocks. You have some fantasies involving sucking them and maybe having one in your ass. You still consider yourself straight, but you think you're just "open minded" or adventurous. Then it begins to happen... you're fooling around with the wife and it's time to fuck. At first you stay hard but find yourself going a little soft after insertion. You find that doing it from behind, doggy style, works better because you can imagine that ass beneath you is a guys. When you start having more trouble… 阅读更多内容

发表者 sissirandi 3 年 前 51

short story for a good week ;)

[image class="blog-image align-center size-large"]499227482[/i… 阅读更多内容

发表者 KarmaTS 3 年 前 2

Hell Explained

Author Unknown The following is an actual question given on a University of Arizona chemistry mid-term, and an actual answer turned in by a student. The answer by one student was so 'profound' that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well: Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)? Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law (gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant. One student, however, wrote the followi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 singledouble70 6 年 前 6

the barrel boy

A man joins the navy and is shipped out immediately to an aircraft carrier in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The captain is showing the new recruit around the ship, when the recruit asks the captain what the sailors do to satisfy their urges when they're at sea for so long. "Let me show you," says the captain. He takes the recruit down to the rear of the ship where there's a solitary barrel with a hole in it. "This'll be the best sex you'll ever have. Go ahead and try it, and I'll give you some privacy." The recruit doesn't quite believe it, but he decides to try it anyway. Aft… 阅读更多内容

发表者 blondii 7 年 前 6

How has porn afftected you.......?

So we have all been watching porn for a long time I'm sure, if not then where have you all been?!?!?! So I have been chatting recently with other like minded porn connoisseurs and got to discussing how our tastes have changed over time and what porn we intake regularly. My journey has been a long one.....from watching vanilla/softcore stuff as a young 11 year old boy all the way through to the person I am now at almost 36, with all the many varied genres/stars I watch now. I myself progressed from wanking to gorgeous beauties to edging to same said beauties but also , as net porn became mor… 阅读更多内容

发表者 thebuttboi 6 年 前 40

Solo Sex at it's Best during COVID

You can have an exciting Sex Life alone during these Lockdown days.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 CumFetishFag 4 年 前 12

Want to know more about what a Canadian is, read t

Proud to be Canadian !!! Buffalo News Article about Canadians An article posted in the Buffalo News by Gerry Boley Misconceptions in the United States (and around the World) about Canada are quite common. They include: there is always snow in Canada; Canadians are boring, socialists and pacifists; their border is porous and allowed the Sept. 11 terrorists through; or, as the U.S. Ottawa embassy staff suggested to Washington, the country suffers from an inferiority complex. With Canada Day and America’s Independence Day just past, this is a great time to clarify some of these mi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 HHenry57 11 年 前 5

One night

One night a little girl walks in on her parents having sex. The mother is going up and down on the father and when she sees her daughter looking at them she immediately stops. “What are you doing, Mommy?” The mother too embarassed to tell her little girl about sex so she makes up an answer. “Well, sweetie, sometimes daddy’s tummy gets too big so I have to jump up and down on it to flatten it out.” The little girl replies, “Well, mommy you really shouldn’t bother with that.” The mother has a confused look on her face, “Why do you say that sweetheart?” The little girl replies, “Because mommy, ev… 阅读更多内容

发表者 bohica256 10 年 前

Skinny Dipping

An elderly man owned a large farm which had a large pond down the back with a picnic table, horseshoe court, and some apple and peach trees. One afternoon the old farmer decided to go down to the pond and collect some fruit so he grabbed a five-gallon bucket to carry the fruit in. As he neared the pond, he heard voices shouting and laughing and as he came closer, he saw it was a bunch of young women skinny-dipping in his pond. He made the women aware of his presence and they all went to the deep end. One of the women shouted to him, “We’re not coming out until you leave!” The ol… 阅读更多内容

发表者 bohica256 9 年 前 3

Man of the House

Tony had just finished reading a new book entitled, 'You Can Be The Man of Your House.' He stormed to his wife in the kitchen and announced, 'From now on, you need to know that I am the man of this house and my word is Law. You will prepare me a gourmet meal tonight, and when I'm finished eating my meal, you will serve me a sumptuous dessert. After dinner, you are going to go upstairs with me and we will have the kind of sex that I want. Afterwards, you are going to draw me a bath so I can relax. You will wash my back and towel me dry and bring me my robe. Then, you will massage my fe… 阅读更多内容

发表者 bohica256 8 年 前 1

Married Couple

A Married Couple are out one night at a Dance Club. There's a guy on the dance floor giving it large: break dancing, moon walking, back flips, the works. The wife turns to her husband and says "See that guy? 20 years ago he proposed to me and I turned him down." The husband says, "Looks like he's still celebrating!"… 阅读更多内容

发表者 bohica256 8 年 前 3