Hmong Christmas Story - Part 1

You all know that Hmong families are made up of extended families. Holidays and celebrations are huge and when you invite your family, their extended families usually tag along. Nothing wrong with that, in fact, we make lots of food and the more the merrier. This Christmas was no exception. My parents decided to host Christmas this year. We had probably more than 50 people over. You see, I had five siblings - three brothers and two sisters. All, but me and one of my younger brother, are married. They all have klds. My aunts, and uncles and cousins came too. Two of my brother's brothers in law… 阅读更多内容

发表者 HmoobLizzy 5 年 前 14

Hmong affair between best friends Part 1

Hi, I would like to share a personal story of mine for you all. Especially if sex in general is your thing. Now normally, people say your best friend is always your significant other right? Well in this case, I guess you can say I have two best friends? Not only is my wife my best friend, but her best friend as well. I guess you can see where this is going than right? Well let’s rewind this back a bit… It all started back in our younger years before my wife n her best friend knew each other because I was actually friends with her best friend first initially. In this story let’s call her Leah,… 阅读更多内容

发表者 d-man88 7 年 前

First sex with my Ex Girlfriend

This story began of my first sex experiment and it's one of the best sex ever for me and her. Our first sex to loose our first virginity too. This started in 2012 somewhere in February almost in the corner of Valentines Day. She asked me what do I want for Valentines Day. I told her I really don't know and I just want to chill with you if you would like. We made plans we're going out for dinner and I'll take her to cruise around in downtown and to Walmart. She came over to my house and she entered to my bedroom and she was just laying right next to me watching YouTube. She put her legs by my t… 阅读更多内容

发表者 menyuam 8 年 前 3