When I Could Suck My Own Cock

Many years ago I discovered if I sat in a certain chair in a certain way, I could get about 3 to 4" of my cock in my mouth. Feeling the big head slide over my tongue, and almost fill my mouth with cock. I'd roll it around my head...while I sucked in my mouth and stroked what was out. It didn't take too long til I could feel I was gonna cum soon. The head would swell...tasty pre cum coming out...I could feel the cum building. Then it was just gonna happen so I kept sucking and stroking. I could feel my cock pumping on my lips and tongue as my big load of warm cum shot onto the back of my to… 阅读更多内容

发表者 maxxsux 3 年 前 9


发表者 lark500 10 年 前 7
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