Wygranie w totka jest mniej prawdopodobne niż dowiedzenie się o nowotworze. Niestety kochająca mama Macieja miała to nieszczęście, że otrzymała to d**gie, efektem czego stoi on dziś jako szesnastoletni chłopak z ojcem na pogrzebie, zadając sobie w duchu pytanie: "Czemu ten świat jest tak skonstruowany?". Dni zamieniały się w tygodnie a te w miesiące. Ojciec pomimo bycia ważną, zapracowaną personą starał się zastępować obu rodziców. Rozmawiał o tym co chłopak czuje, kupował mu różne rzeczy, ogólnie mówiąc rozpuszczał. Jednakże pewnej nocy wychodząc do toalety po raz kolejny zauważył że młodzien… 阅读更多内容
Rules and Guides for Sissy Life
NOTE: These are just my personal ideas and beliefs. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions! 1. A sissy is a different term than both crossdresser and transsexual. A sissy is one type of CD but not the only type (some Men crossdress for other private & heterosexual reasons). Some TSs can exhibit sissy-like behaviours, but TS is in a class of its own. Normal CDs and TSs should be respected, sissies should not (see below). 2. A sissy is a man who adopts not just a 'female' appearance and sex role but a… 阅读更多内容
How everything started ...
I was 11 and every Saturday , my mum had to leave me alone to go to work . One day she asked our neighbor Barbara, a 45 yrs old nice curvy lady , if she accepted to take care of me . So i spent every Saturday with this beautiful "old" lady ... It was laundry day for her. One day, she asked me if I wanted to help her ... I was so subjugated by her that of course i was so happy to help her .... I helped her to hang out her washing ... And then... I discovered her lingerie ... black sheer panties , nice bras , brown stockings , garter belts , pink panties .... It was the first time in my life… 阅读更多内容
The week after
It was an endless week , I was so impatient to go back to our neighbor Barbara . I spent the whole week dreaming of her , smelling her sweet black sheer panty ... I was so young i did not realized what was happening to me .. I was aroused for hours and hours ... I could not sleep anymore ... Not knowing what to do ... Finally ... Saturday ... Barbara was waiting for me . She was wearing a sheer blouse ... and i could see her white bra under her blouse. She was also wearing a nice skirt and brown stockings. While sitting in the sofa to discuss with me , she crossed her legs and i saw her su… 阅读更多内容
A step further
I was so excited to spend the next Saturday with my neighbor Barbara, dreaming of her lingerie , of the sweet moments she offered to me , me , wearing her lingerie, spending time with her,she : more than happy to see a young boy so excited by her beauty and her sexy charm , enticed with her lovely lingerie. I was wondering what was going to happen , I was dreaming of wearing her lingerie again. Endless week , so boring ... going to school , doing the homework , going to bed ... Finally Saturday ! She said "there is a surprise for you today ....A friend of mine is coming , I told her how… 阅读更多内容
Barbara's friend
We were waiting for Barbara's friend . I was wearing the pink lingerie set , the garter and the stockings that Barbara had prepared for me. I was ashamed and terribly excited at the same time. Barbara was smiling , looking at me as her young lingerie toy. ... But I must admit I really loved it . Barbara's friend rang the bell . My heart was beating !! As soon as she entered, I felt comfortable , . She was superb. She gave me a kiss , looking at me she said : "you seems to be a good boy , I will be more than happy to show you my new lingerie and to ask your advice , when I look at the b… 阅读更多内容
Barbara get dressed
The week was so long , but remembering the sweet moment of last Saturday was for me my sweet escape : seeing me in Barbara's lingerie ,wearing stockings for the first time, looking at the lingerie defile of her friend . I was expecting a gift of Sarah , but I did not received anything. Maybe next Saturday ? ... Saturday , the most beautiful day of the week . My mom going to work , me spending the day with Barbara, the neighbor in the lingerie paradise ... Barbara was expecting me as usual ... she was wearing a black silky bathrobe. She said to me : " you remember Sarah , my friend ?" .… 阅读更多内容
Shopping with Barbara
Barbara was ready . Nice White shirt , black skirt , brown stockings , and nice white lingerie I had seen while spying her. "We go shopping" I was a little bit disappointed , I was expecting this sweet moment when I had to wear her lingerie ... and today , nothing .... We went to town , to the shopping mall . Barbara bought a pair of shoes and some new jewelry. Time to go home ... But surprise , we go to a lingerie shop. Oh no , ... I love to wear her lingerie in secret , but I cannot enter a lingerie shop with her ... I said : "please Barbara , go shopping , I will wait outs… 阅读更多内容
The mirror
Again a long boring week : going to school , back home ,again and again. But every night , I dream of these fantastic moments i am spending with Barbara, my sweet lingerie mistress, every Saturday. I still have her sweet present , Her worn black panty , she offered me some weeks ago. I have to be careful .. Mum cannot find it , neither discover my secret life with Barbara . Saturday ! Barbara is beautiful : wearing a white shirt and a red skirt and fully fashion stockings. Every time I see Barbara, my heart beats stronger ... I ask myself : "What lingerie is she wearing today ? " an… 阅读更多内容
A rainy day
Saturday !! Barbara looks gorgeous as usual , she is wearing a pale pink shirt and a grey skirt, high heels, grey stockings with a black back seam It was a rainy day . She was sitting on the sofa , we were talking and laughing as usual. She asked me : "which underwear are you wearing today ?" I could not say a word... Does she read in my mind ? ... She knows me now , and I am a little boy , so shy, so transparent for her. " Oh Mistress, please , forgive me, ... I am wearing your "present" ... your worn black sheer panty you offered to me some weeks ago. " I was convinced she would… 阅读更多内容
The visit of Barbara
Summer is approaching ...School vacations also ... I dread holidays ... I am terrified at the idea that I could not see Barbara, my neighbor, my sweet lingerie Mistress.. as we do every Saturday I am home with my mom . I am studying. Exams are so close now ... Someone is ringing at the door . Mom ask me to go open the door . Barbara !! She looks gorgeous as usual : a black skirt , a grey satin shirt , black stockings, high heels .... My heart starts beating wildly... she gives me a kiss .. and she whispers in my ears : " we keep our secret" ... Mom offers her some tea , Barbara… 阅读更多内容
The first time
One Week with Barbara at the seaside ... Heaven on earth. I cannot believe it , I am 11 years old and I am spending holidays with a gorgeous mature lady , my lingerie Mistress . I still wonder what she meant by "Sissy maid" , ... But I am so shy , I do not dare asking her , I will discover it by myself. The landscape is beautiful , it is nice weather, ... Gorgeous. We spent some time at the beach ... I was just sitting near Barbara, she was reading a book ... I was so happy , already dreaming of tonight : our first evening together . Barbara owns a small apartment in a nice seaside… 阅读更多内容
the first lesson
Barbara, my sweet lingerie Mistress. One week holiday with her at the seaside , i am in heaven. She asked me to wear for the night a sheer black nightie that belongs to her ... As usual , i obeyed , i am her "sweet lingerie boy" as she says . It was very difficult for me to get to sleep, after the fantastic first day we spent together , and the intense sensations she made me discover yesterday. Eight o'clock in the morning ... I wake up .. I look at myself .. I am good looking with her nightie, and I get aroused ... Barbara enters my bedroom .. "Good morning sweetie ... " She look… 阅读更多内容