I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to everybody who voted for me in the UK Fetish awards. The awards were carried out virtually, they were fabulous and I would love to give Klara Fawn a round of applause for winning the trans category xxx Thank you again for voting for me. I feel so lucky to have so many fabulous followers . Thank you again. Love and Licks Lisa xxxx… 阅读更多内容
i Need Your Help Please
Heya everybody. I am reaching out with a request. Could everybody spare a moment to copy and paste into your browser the link below and vote for me in the Fetish Awards please? It is the first time I have ever done this so please please help me get off the bottom of the chart! https://ukfetishawards.com/o_models/essex-girl-lisa/ Thank you all. Love and licks Lisa… 阅读更多内容