最后出现于 4 年 前
5457 天 在 XRMXX 上
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Former adult entertainment cinematographer (1967-2012)
you was an exciting life..jhon holmes...wow!!!
anywayz,thanks for your comment that is greatlty appreciated..keep it on!
and back to visit my profile page for more kinks video and pics!
kingly regards
I'm really sorry that book never materialized. We could use some non-exploitative honest examinations of the business...
There was a time when John Leslie, Jim Holliday, Tony Spinelli, and I spent a weekend discussing a book that we might all author. But Tony's health began to fail and then both he and Jim passed away - and Jim was the one pushing the idea. John was always busy with some thing or another. Without these guys, my efforts would be little more than short and incohesive recollections that would probably resemble Penthouse Forum more than a guy who actually lived it. Jim was the one who could fill in the blanks, even though I preceded them all in the business.