Simple rules for reposting requests

If you want me to repost any of your pictures please keep in mind the following rules: - Be sure of what you really want. Please only ask me to repost your pictures after you think about the consequences of reposting. If you feel you can change your mind about reposting your pictures, please don't ask me to repost. I will not delete any repost if you change your mind after the fact. - Only expose if you are OK with having your own personal life exposed. - No U N D E R A G E content. I love teens and young females, but if the girl seems too young to me I will not… 阅读更多内容

发表者 PPataquiva 4 年 前 5


Hey ! Pendant le confinement si vous vos faites chiés, j'ai sorti quelques vidéos sur P*rnhub et Xvideo !… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Nini_Divine 4 年 前 25