The beauty of pubic hair

Cameron DIaz: “Personally, I think permanent laser hair removal sounds like a crazy idea. Forever? “I know you may think you’ll be wearing the same style of shoes forever and the same style of jeans forever, but you won’t. “The idea that vaginas are preferable in a hairless state is a pretty recent phenomenon, and all fads change, people.” “Pubic hair also serves as a pretty dr****g that makes it a little mysterious to the one who might be courting your sexiness. “Pubes keep the goods private, which can entice a lover to come and take a closer look at what you have to offer. Just… 阅读更多内容

发表者 complaint123 4 年 前 1

hairy pussy

Do you like hairy pussies and cocks?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 complaint123 7 年 前 5
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