
A lot of people send friend requests daily, so here it is again. We only friend couples or females, no single guys Im not into cock. Want to be friends? Then prove you are real. If you dont have many pics of your own we usually dont add you. If you are real and can prove it (our name written on your wifes tits etc) then message us. We dont want to add fakes or pic collectors. A lot of men on this site act as a couple but arent. So with that being said, prove it and we'll add you, its pretty simple :)… 阅读更多内容

发表者 chubbies4me 4 年 前 1

No face pics

Been messaged multiple times asking why we don’t show faces. Listen, I know it’s a porn site and all but this does nothing for my wife. It’s for me, she doesn’t care I post but asked me to not post face pics. So I oblige. If it’s a problem delete us. We are real, these are all our pics besides the sexy friends and random shit. So if it’s that big of a deal please see your way out, thanks!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 chubbies4me 5 年 前 9