Erica's Diary - The Making of a Crossdresser Confessions of a Crossdresser I am a crossdresser. It is an addiction. I’ve tried, but I really can’t stop myself: fantasies, endless looking at pornography, shopping, dressing, masturbation, and inevitably, seeking men to please. I started out as a panty fantasizer and have progressed. If I was a woman, I would be a cum dumpster. Intelligent, attractive, clean, classy, a good dresser, subtly sexy, and fit… but obsessed with a man’s sperm! I have been unable to control myself wanting to be a woman. I’m married, with k**s and I have even be… 阅读更多内容

发表者 blkice2u 11 年 前 1

Femme skin

When I dress and as I dress, I feel a change coming over me. Little by little my mind alters as my male persona slips away to be replaced by a female me. Without being conscious of 'acting', I feel myself becoming naturally feminine as my movements, tone of voice, mannerisms all change. It is like discovering another skin - my femme skin. Now, under instructions from blkice2u on this site, I have been led to a new awareness of my femme skin by adopting a certain ritual of dressing. In a sense, it consists in a sense of actually wearing a second skin - pantyhose. I regularly wear panty… 阅读更多内容

发表者 NancyBerlin 13 年 前 3

Why black? A few thoughts on black men and sissies

To give a full answer to that question would be to know myself probably better than I do. As I say on my profile 'we are all wired differently'. But I think I can find a few reasons as to why I respond to black guys so passionately. I grew up in Ireland where I am pretty certain I did not see a black person until my mid-teens. They just weren't there! There was an Indian community and the sons attended the same school as I but Indians, charming and beautiful though they may be, did not worm their way into my erotic consciousness. My home-town was a port so foreign navies did dock there… 阅读更多内容

发表者 NancyBerlin 13 年 前 6