Mom and Dad had a very active sexual relationship. I knew because they were open about it. After Mom and I had been playing our games for a while, and I felt she was into it, I got more courage. Their bedroom was right across the hall from mine. One night I was awakened by the sounds of their lovemaking. As I lay in my bed listening, I started getting aroused. They went on and on. I could hear my mother talking. I got out of bed and crept to their door. It was wide open. Dad was a big strong man, very athletic. He was on top of Mom, fucking her slowly as he listened to her. I stood close but… 阅读更多内容
Shower Time with Mom
I played basketball in high school. I would come home from practice and take my showers. It started when I didn't have any soap. I had been jacking off and I wanted some interaction with Mom. I opened the door halfway and yelled for Mom, asking her to bring me a bar of soap. She came to the door with the soap and just stood there smiling. I was naked but partly hidden by the door. I continued jacking off. To keep her standing there I asked her a lame question. It was strange behavior but she played along. I closed the door when I started to cum. It became a ritual. I would be in the bathroom,… 阅读更多内容
Mom’s Panties
I have always had a fetish about panties. I loved it when I was young and I would visit a friend's house and I realize their dirty clothes hamper is in the bathroom. I go through it and find the wife's panties. I sometimes jack off then and there, sniffing her panties and licking the crotch. Otherwise I just put them in my pocket to enjoy later. That probably started with my mom's panties. As I approached adolescence and the hormones were raging, I noticed my mom's panties lying on top of the dirty clothes. For a while I just sniffed them and rubbed them in my face while jacking off, then trie… 阅读更多内容