this stroy starts in my home town of coventry in the uk i was 19 when it happened my perents whent away on holiday and ledf me the house for the weekend all i could think of was porn porn and mored porn i was gonnnaa watch it everywere constantly non stop hardcore sex loud orgasms was so edxcited wen the left firstt thing i did was load up the laptop and get gianna bouncing aroud while rayveness sucked cock on thed big screan i was in hevven did that for the first day all day day 2 was diffrednt i was going out on the town so less porn on tha day but u know the odd one hear and there is normal… 阅读更多内容
top 5 British porn babes
now ive alredy done a list of my pot 10 fave pornstars but i was thinkiumg last night what about just a british list and not a. top 10 but a top 5 cuz lets face it we produce som worl call pussy and ass as far as porn babes go so her we go 5. linsey dawn mackenzie--- in her prime she'd top this list she was stunning no qustions asked on hot babe but now sadly its all fake even the face dont get me wrong if she knocked my door right now and asked for a shag id be crazy to turn it down but she was a natural wonder now sadly shes more natural disaster 4. jane berry--- this liverpool based… 阅读更多内容
top 10 porn dvd / scenes
i was going to do the purely on dvds but then last night it hit me ive not real watched meny dvds all the way till the end so its a combination for both dvds and scenes lets begin shal we 10. be the mask dvd colecton---- so never seen all of them but ther were 2 of i think 3 ive seen to completion the idear behind it was simple join a site name gose in to a hat you get luck get drawn out don a mask and fuck a pornstar of your choise real guys real pornstar fucking whats not to like 9. sandy knight doctors adventures--- now this i dont think was a dvd was only a scene it involved sandy… 阅读更多内容
my favorite porn stars top 10
so a frequantly asked qustion to me is whos your favrate pornstar so i thorth id make a list of top 10 that are my most loved and why i love them 10. gianna michales this hottie from seattle usa is 100% sex perfect in every way and has appeared in over 450 porn films 9. ava devin from new yourk usa hails the slutyest chick on the lest in my oppinion on of her sexiest trates is shes known to fuck anyone at any time speaking of any one any time ava how about it baby 8. donna marie from nottingham england not to far away from mysel hails the filthy nasty girl donna if you have never… 阅读更多内容