A movie date when I was younger.

A little after high school and about midway into my freshman year of college I fancied myself a pretty popular and social person. This was before I met my fiance and during my wild and experimental days. I was a bit of a wild young woman and during this time a friend of mine had asked me out for a date. I accepted and we were off to enjoy our night. I had known him for a while now and he was a nice guy, a bit shy but nothing too off putting. He had planned for us to go to the movie theater where we were going to watch something, I forgot what exactly it was but I know there was a raunchy s… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Answered 7 年 前 24

about" fucking a stranger"

I couldn't afford to have my car fixed, so the mechanic (who i just met) said he would do the work for free if i Fucked him in his Shop while his friend filmed it. When i showed up to "Pay my tab" he had 3 friends there to watch, something i wasn't expecting so I was very nervous to say the least. It took me awhile to work up the nerve to take my cloths off while every one stood around and watched, but i didn't have much choice. Once i relaxed and got into it, I had a lot more fun, and it was a bigger turn on then i thought it would be!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fungir 12 年 前 23