Sorry, I only accept friendship requests from those who have put my videos in their favorites. So I now that whe have the same intrest and you not only a friendship hunter. So, please put some of our videos in your favorites before sending a friendship request
Hi. I got your offer to add you to my friends list. No problems. I add you to friends after you make a dirty and vulgar comment on my 3 (THREE) OPEN VIDEOS. You made a dirty comment - I added you. If not done - sorry...
Hi. I got your offer to add you to my friends list. No problems. I add you to friends after you make a dirty and vulgar comment on my 3 (THREE) OPEN VIDEOS. You made a dirty comment - I added you. If not done - sorry...
Hi. I got your offer to add you to my friends list. No problems. I add you to friends after you make a dirty and vulgar comment on my 3 (THREE) OPEN VIDEOS. You made a dirty comment - I added you. If not done - sorry...
Hi. I got your offer to add you to my friends list. No problems. I add you to friends after you make a dirty and vulgar comment on my 3 OPEN VIDEOS. You made a dirty comment - I added you. If not done - sorry.