
Wasn't the idiocy with the Panama Canal enough . . . Now Trump wants Greenland? Doesn't he know it belongs to Europe? (Specifically Denmark) Is he determined to piss off everyone in Europe? I LOVE the USA - goddam I married a Dixie Gurl - but I am hard pressed to remember that although he may have been elected by the citizens of the USA - he sure as hell hasn't listened to them. (Hell . . . I doubt he even asked them) Only two terms of office - Deo Gratia.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 666Rhino 28 天 前 2

The World's going mad . . . 2

They re-elected Trump . . . WTF? I lived in the USA for years, I love the place. (I'd spend time there if it wasn't for their lack of any meaningful gun laws.) Hell, while living there I even married a Dixie Chick - after swearing up and down that I'd never, ever, marry. (Best move I ever made.) And while I've never been back, I have great respect for them - Americans as a whole that is. You've never had a hamburger until you've been Stateside, and you've never had Fried Chicken until you've been to Dixie. My family has been in catering for 3 generations so I know what I'… 阅读更多内容

发表者 666Rhino 1 月 前 6


You really don't want to be recognised? I can't help but be amused by all the people who obscure their faces and put on masks and fail to cover up their tattoos.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 666Rhino 5 月 前 1

Stormy and Trump

I have always had a very, very, low opinion of Trump. Now - purely for academic research purposes you understand - I have watched a few of Stormy's videos. Hey - maybe he's not quite so stupid.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 666Rhino 8 月 前 3

Silicone or Real?

I once had the good fortune to sleep with a girl whose left breast failed to develop. This meant that she had one perfectly normal breast and one totally flat. So she had an implant courtesy of the National Health Service. Consequently I had the good fortune to be able to compare, simultaneously, a real boob with a fake boob - both part of the same young lady. Silicone gets my vote every time!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 666Rhino 8 月 前 4

The World's going mad . . .

Two twelve year old boys (here in the UK) have just been charged with murder. (12 is the youngest age you can be charged with a criminal offence in the UK). They stabbed to death an 18 year old man. I am so grateful guns are contrary to the law here.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 666Rhino 1 年 前 2

Why no tattoo? (Bitch!!)

Apologies to any who already know this . . . As many of you know I LOVE a good quality tattoo on a girl/woman . . . and I have always, as long as I can remember, wanted one myself. So why don't I have any ink - despite riding with a back-patch bike club (Hells Angels type but not The Angels). Well . . . it had to be "just right" and I spent many years looking at ink, looking at magazines, books, hanging around at tattoo conventions and even spending time with tattooists in their shops - I just couldn't find the "right" design (and too unimaginative to think of one myself - I did try). Final… 阅读更多内容

发表者 666Rhino 1 年 前 1


Girls . . . Wear your knickers OVER your suspenders FFS… 阅读更多内容

发表者 666Rhino 1 年 前 2


I'm sure you all know this but just in case. FYI Under BRITISH Law: You CANNOT consent to any form of physical v******e. Any form of assault is a crime and you cannot consent to the commission of a crime - legal impossibility. This means a mild/light spanking is a Criminal offence . . . and you've taped it? So why do I tell you . . . I mean it's not as though you've both have had a load of fun and some great orgasms and you then run off to Plod and tell them you've had great sex. Not very likely. But a vengeful ex (of any gender), wanting revenge . . . and conning you ba… 阅读更多内容

发表者 666Rhino 1 年 前 7

Just been blocked by Satanist-Hater . . .

I have just been blocked by someone who has told me that they will have nothing to do with someone who has Satanic references (666Rhino). She didn't bother to ask "why" she just decided I'm a Satan worshipper. Sad. The reason for the 666 - as all who know me realise - is because there are several Rhinos here and I had to take an unused number to differentiate. It's THAT simple.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 666Rhino 1 年 前 5

Anna Malle

Only the Good die young.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 666Rhino 2 年 前 3


Loves sees not with the eyes, But with the Mind, Therefore is winged Cupid painted blind. Love to claim that as mine but it was of course The Man himself. (Can't remember which work but if I do I'll post it.) A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act 1, Scene 1, Line 227f… 阅读更多内容

发表者 666Rhino 2 年 前 1

Why, Oh Why . . .

Do "they" censor cartoons?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 666Rhino 2 年 前 1


Yesterday upon the stair I met a man who wasn't there He wasn't there again today Oh how I wish he'd go away… 阅读更多内容

发表者 666Rhino 2 年 前 2

Blow Job

I remember the very worst blow job I ever had . . . it was GREAT… 阅读更多内容

发表者 666Rhino 2 年 前 7